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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ocean Road Cancer Institute, Tanzania - Director of Planning

Employment Type: Full-Time

Summary: Ocean Road Cancer Institute

  • Chief advisor to the Executive Director on matters pertaining Planning and Development.
  • Provides professional and technical planning and development assistance and recommendations to Executive Director Administers the current and long range planning services.
  • Implements, administers, reviews, and amends the Institutes long-range and short-term master plan and development objectives.
  • Formulation and review of the Institute's strategic plan and ensures its implementation Coordinates preparations of annual plan and budget done by other directorates /Divisions. Compiles departmental budgets into Institute's budget
  • Monitors plan and budget performance and advices Executive Director Planning accordingly. Ensures preparation of detailed monthly and quarterly activities and financial report.
  • Checks financial expenditures, utilization of resources and makes recommendations for services improvement and cost reduction.
  • Liaises with other departments in pricing of services and other products/facilities for non cancer patients. Monitors and evaluates performance of projects/programs as may be directed by Executive Director.
  • Manages the Institutes Development plans, operations, policies and Procedures, activities, planning, schedule, priorities and budget.
  • Perform any other duties as shall be assigned by Executive Director.
  • The applicant must have first degree in the field of Economics and Planning. Masters in Economics or Planning.
  • Must have at least five years of working experience in policy and planning in a senior position with reputable Organizations.
  • Computer Literacy
  • Excellent organizational and Interpersonal skills
REMUNERATION PACKAGE: Negotiable based on qualification and Experience but within the Institute's approved scheme of service and salaries.

MODE OF APPLICATION: Applications together with CV, testimonials and name of three referees one from current employer should be submitted.

Contact Info:
The Executive Director
Ocean Road Cancer Institute
P.O.BOX 3592
Dar es Salaam

Closing Date: 25 May 2010

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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008