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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lake Victoria North Water Services Board – Public Notice Application for Appointment of Directors for Urban Water Service Providers in LVNWSB

Lake Victoria North Water Services Board (LVNWSB) is a State  Corporation established under section 51 of the Water Act 2002.
Its jurisdiction covers the entire Western Province and parts of North Rift comprising of the following districts – Marakwet  East, Marakwet West, Wareng, Eldoret East, Eldoret West, Trans Nzoia West, Trans Nzoia East, Kwanza, Nandi North and Nandi Central.

Our statutory responsibility is to:

  • Ensure efficient and economical provision of water services in our area of jurisdiction.
  • Own, on behalf of the public and the Government of Kenya,  all water and sewerage facilities within our jurisdiction.
  • Plan, develop and rehabilitate water facilities in our  jurisdiction.
  • Appoint water service providers as our ‘agents’ to manage water facilities and directly provide water and sewerage
  • services directly to customers.
  • Monitor and supervise the performance of appointed water service providers as per the guidelines of the Service Provision Agreement (SPA).
The terms of the current directors of our water companies have expired.
These companies are
  • Eldoret Water and Sanitation Company,
  • Nzoia Water Services Company,
  • Western Water Services Company,
  • Amatsi Water Services Company and
  • Kapsabet Nandi Water and Sanitation Company
The Corporate Governance Guidelines issued by the Water Services Regulatory Board requiresthe amendment of the current constitutions of these companies and provides the process for the appointment of directors for water service providers, which adheres to the following standards:
  1. Involvement of key stakeholders in the governance of the any appointed agent through sensitization of standards in local workshops.
  2. Advertisement in the local media positions for the board of directors for an existing water company according to the eligibility criteria set in guideline
  3. Participation of key stakeholders in selection of the most qualified directors through an interview process
  4. Involvement of the shareholder for ratification of the process and formal appointment of the directors
  5. Induction of newly selected directors by the water service board into their roles as directors of an agent and signing of a Code of Ethics
  6. Communication of selected directors and their background to the Water Services Regulatory Board.
The Corporate Governance standards require the composition of the directors for a water company be from the following  backgrounds:
  1. Local authorities
  2. Business and manufacturing community nominated by their bodies.
  3. Local professional from the professional bodies nominated from the bodies.
  4. Resident /faith /NGO organizations nominated by their bodies
  5. women organizations nominated by their bodies
LVNWSB therefore calls for applications from persons from the above named institutions excluding item (1) wishing to be considered to serve as Directors of respective water companies.
To be eligible for consideration, the applicant must be:
  1. Literate and numerate to at least O level.
  2. Demonstrate experience and acumen in a business or any profession of at least 7 years.
  3. Demonstrate participation in local development initiatives.
  4. Have experience as change management agent.
  5. Possess skills in finance, organizational development , human resource or business planning
  6. Suppliers or other trading associates of the company cannot become directors of the company.
  7. Persons in current professional or social relationships with directors of the company cannot become directors in the company.
  8. A resident of the area served by the company
For institutions that nominate persons to be considered for directorship, they should provide the following along with the name(s) of the nominee(s):
  1. Institutions registration certificate.
  2. A Tax clearance certificate or its equivalent.
  3. A letter of intent of not more than 2 standard A4 pages indicating the stake the institutions have in the management of water services in respective water company, the experience and skills its nominee will bring to the company Board.
  4. A confirmation that it will, if required to do so, recall any of its representatives who is later found to have engaged in acts of misconduct in the performance of their duties in the Board.
The applications should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer in a sealed envelope marked “APPLICATION FOR DIRECTORSHIP FOR …………….WATER COMPANY” at the address given below on or before 25th May 2010 at 12 noon.
Lake victoria North Water Services Board
Former Kefinco Building
P.O. Box 673-50100, Kakamega.
Tel: 056-50795/31552


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