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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ministry of Public Health & Sanitation 4,200 Job Vacancies in Kenya

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following Posts under the Economic Recovery and Poverty Alleviation Programme on 3 years contract terms of service at constituency level;

1. Kenya Enrolled Community Health Nurse III
One Thousand and Fifty (1,050) Posts
5 per constituency

Salary entry point at civil service Job Group ‘G’
House allowance will be paid according to area of deployment

Duties and Responsibilities

This is the entry grade into the Enrolled Nurses cadre. Work at this level involves a variety of duties and responsibilities of a limited scope and complexity and is performed under the appropriate guidance or supervision of a Nursing Officer or a Clinical officer as the case may

Duties and responsibilities include planning and execution of nursing care for individual or a group of patients. An enrolled nurse will be expected to observe specific procedures.

Requirements for Appointment

For Appointment to this grade, a candidate must:

    * Have Kenya Certificate of Secondary education or its equivalent qualification;
    * Have successfully completed at least three (3) years pre-service training at a Medical Training College or any other recognized Medical Training Institution and have been awarded the Enrolled Nurses Certificate by the Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Councils of Kenya.

2. Nursing Officer III
Two Thousand One Hundred (2,100) Posts
10 per constituency

Salary entry point at civil service Job Group ‘H’
House allowance will be paid according to area of deployment

Duties and responsibilities

This is the entry grade into the Nursing Officers cadre. Work at this level will be limited in scope and complexity and will be carried out under the guidance of a more senior Officer.

Specifically, duties and responsibilities will involve provision, supervision and planning of nursing care at an out-patient department or ward in a facility.

In addition, the Officer will be expected to assess patients’ needs for nursing services; verify and maintain information relating to patients admissions; keep records of drugs and supplies; and guide, supervise and counsel staff performing routine clinical duties.

Requirements for Appointment

For Appointment to this grade, a candidate must:

    * Have Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) or its equivalent qualification; have successfully completed three (3) years pre-service training at a Medical Training College or at any other recognized training institution and have been awarded the Kenya Registered Nurse, Or Kenya Registered Community Health Nurse certificate by the Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Council of Kenya.

3. Public Health Technician III
Job Group ‘G’- One Thousand and Fifty (1,050) Posts
5 per constituency

Salary entry point at civil service Job Group ‘G’
House allowance will be paid according to area of deployment.

Duties and Responsibilities

This will be entry and training grade into the Public Technician cadre. An Officer at this level will work under the supervision and guidance of a more experienced Officer.

Duties will involve participation in immunization programmes, inspection of homesteads, villages and shopping centres; sitting of compost pits for refuse disposal; sitting of pit latrines in
homesteads and villages and supervising their construction; inspection of springs and wells
to ensure that they are properly maintained and protected as safe sources of drinking water;
and sitting of grain stores and giving advice on vectors and rodent control.

Requirements for Appointment

For Appointment to this grade, a candidate must:

    * Have Kenya Certificate of Secondary education or its equivalent qualification;
    * Have successfully completed at least two (2) year pre-service training at a recognized Medical Training Institution or any other recognized Training Institute and have been awarded the Public Technician certificate.

Applicants are required to apply to their preferred Constituency, with clearly addressed handwritten applications together with copies of National ID Card, Academic/ Professional Certificates and testimonials to the: Respective District Commissioners so as to reach him/her by 13th December, 2010.

For: Permanent Secretary

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