PATH is an international nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the health of people around the world by advancing technologies, strengthening systems, and encouraging healthy behaviors.
USAID has awarded a comprehensive health service delivery project, APHIAplus Zone 1, to PATH to improve the health of Kenyans in Western and Nyanza Provinces for five years, building upon USAID/Kenya’s country-wide health service support project, AIDS, Population and Health Integrated Assistance II (APHIA II).
PATH and its partners will implement the APHIAplus Zone 1 project working closely with the GoK and a wide variety of non-government agencies to strengthen healthcare services throughout the two provinces.
It is for this reason that PATH is seeking experienced candidates to fill the following positions for this project. All successful applicants will be based in the two provinces.
The Deputy Director will support the Project Director to effectively lead and manage the project, including the achievement of the vision and strategy, managing key relationships and ensuring compliance with all contractual matters related to the USAID cooperative agreement and other applicable laws and regulations.
The Finance Manager will ensure that PATH effectively meets the financial planning, monitoring, and reporting needs of USAID. S/he will advise the Project Director, project staff, partners and subrecipients on USAID contract requirements and provide training on financial management, record keeping, operational systems and policies.
The Operations Officers will manage the project’s administration and be responsible for functions associated with property management including IT, equipment and transportation. They will supervise the administrative staff.
The Accountants will work closely with the finance team in managing the finances of the project. They will be responsible for day-to-day processing of transactions in compliance with USAID rules ensuring timely reporting of field activity costs for the satellite offices, while maintaining high standards of stewardship and accountability.
The Accounts Assistants will process day to day transactions in compliance with USAID rules and ensure timely financial processing and reporting of field activities costs.
The Grants Officer will oversee grant making to local organizations. S/he will design and oversee the grant management systems of this project including subgratee compliance with grant rules and regulations.
The Stores Clerks will manage inventory and set up a filing system for inventory tracking.
The Supplies Officers will procure the project’s equipment and supplies in close liaison with the procurement team
The Information Technology (IT) Officers will provide IT support to the APHIAplus project end users.
The Monitoring and Evaluation/Health Management Information Systems (M&E/HMIS) Specialist will provide strategic direction and technical leadership to the project M&E team, overseeing the development, management and application of an M&E plan for the project, and build capacity of the APHIAplus project stakeholders on HMIS.
The M&E Advisor will provide support to the M&E/HMIS Specialist in the planning, infrastructure development and implementation of M&E systems in conjunction with the Government of Kenya monitoring systems for HIV and AIDS, RH, FP, MCH and OVC activities.
The Community Senior Team Leader will provide strategic direction and leadership for the roll-out of the MOH’s community strategy and to support community initiatives aimed at promoting healthier behaviors and creating demand for an integrated package of health services.
The Senior Tuberculosis (TB) Advisor will provide technical guidance to support TB/HIV integration in collaboration with Senior Technical Advisors on the project team. S/he will serve to support the project’s mentoring teams in the area of TB/HIV integration and help build capacity of MOH to strengthen community and facility-based TB prevention, detection and treatment.
The Senior Child Survival/Malaria Advisor will provide technical guidance to support the integration of child survival and malaria services with other services in the provinces, counties and districts in zone one. S/he will serve to support the project’s mentoring teams in child survival and malaria and help build capacity of MOH to strengthen community and facility-based prevention and care.
The Senior Youth Advisor will provide technical guidance to support the integration of youth-oriented activities with other community interventions in the provinces, counties and districts in zone one, and will serve as the project’s focal person for the HIV Free Generation. S/he will work with the project’s service delivery team to ensure that health services are youth-friendly.
The Media Officer will help design and implement mass media activities and coordinate key audio and print mass media activities, in addition to supporting traditional media activities for the APHIAplus project. S/he will work with journalists to share stories with the public and create publicity for the project.
The Senior Community Strategy Advisor will coordinate the initiation of all community unit activities with the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation and community-based organizations, to support the roll-out of the Community Strategy.
The Data Officer will work closely with the M&E Advisor and take the lead role to develop protocols, instruments (e.g. questionnaires, checklists, discussion guides and interview forms) for data collection and management.
The Administrative Assistants, Grants Assistants, Project Assistants, Office Assistants, Receptionists, Drivers, Coxswains and Cleaners will help manage the administrative, logistical and programmatic tasks required to implement the APHIAplus project’s activities.
For more details on these positions and to submit your application for consideration, please log onto the PATH website
PATH also seeks to recruit a Chief of Party (COP) for the HIV Free Generation - Kenya (HFG/K) project to lead the project and be responsible for achieving the project’s vision and strategy, directing the project technical team, and managing critical relationships with national and international partners, the donor and other key stakeholders.
The COP will have overall programmatic and fiscal responsibility for the project, including achieving project results, effectively communicating accomplishments, financial accounting and reporting, and ensuring compliance with all donor regulations, HFG and PATH policies and procedures.
The HIV Free Generation - Kenya (HFG/K) is an initiative designed to achieve a 50% reduction in HIV incidence among youth aged 15-24 years in Kenya. The aim is to cultivate a network of global and local partnerships among the private sector, government and implementing partners to define youth-focused HIV prevention interventions, increase collaboration, leverage resources and capabilities, increase youth access to knowledge, services, education, life skills and employment and reduce gender disparities, violence, drug and alcohol use.
The project will generate an independent, self-sustainable entity called HIV Free Generation, Kenya.
For more details and online application for the position, please follow the link:
To apply online for any of the above positions, please send your application letter describing how your experience, qualifications and competencies make you the right candidate for the position, a detailed updated CV and details of at least 3 referees to:
The HR Business Partner;
P.O. Box 76634, 00508,
Closing date: November 30th 2010
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
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Saturday, November 20, 2010
PATH International Non-Profit Organization Jobs in Kenya
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