- Site Engineer – Global Water Initiative Project (GWI)
- Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator – Livelihoods Sector
CARE International in Kenya is looking for dynamic and highly motivated individuals of high moral character and professional integrity to fill the following positions;
1. Site Engineer - Global Water Initiative Project (GWI)
Based in Garissa
Ref: SE-16/2010
The Site Engineer will undertake field needs assessment (feasibility studies) in Water Supply and determine the most appropriate water supply options for the pastoral communities, map the water reticulation system for upgrading, rehabilitation and expansion as per project agreement in close collaboration with the project manager design, provide technical oversight during construction to ensure project completion within budget, schedule and desired quality of workmanship, provide technical guidance/assistance and design oversight to the Project Engineer, Assistant Project Engineer and Field Officers.
2. Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator – Livelihoods Sector
Based in Nairobi
Ref: ME-16/2010
The M&E Coordinator will be responsible for guiding the overall M&E strategy and system for the livelihoods sector and will provide M&E support and technical assistance for all livelihood sector staff in the areas of performance monitoring, program evaluation, dissemination and utilization of information.
If you feel that you are the right candidate for these positions, please send your application quoting the reference number on the subject field along with an updated CV, complete with email & telephone contacts for three professional referees, current and expected salary to:
The Human Resources & Development Manager,
CARE International in Kenya,
Email: vacancies@care.or.ke
by 28th July, 2010.
For further details on the job descriptions and person specifications, please visit our website www.care.or.ke
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
CARE is an Equal Opportunity Employer