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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

VSF Belgium Mid Term Evaluation for Drought Mitigation Impact - Mitigating Effects of Climatic Shocks

Terms of Reference
Mid-term Evaluation for Drought Mitigation Impact; mitigating effects of climatic shocks

The Drought Mitigation Initiative (DMI) project Turkana-Pokot Drought Management Project: Mitigating the impacts of climatic shocks in livestock-based livelihoods is a 36-month initiative funded by EC under the 9th European Development Fund.

VSF-Belgium acts as the lead agency which includes Oxfam-GB, VSF-Germany, ACTED, and Practical Action. It targets an estimated 120,000 people, primarily pastoralist communities whose lives and livelihoods are shaped to a large extent by climatic events, sometimes extremes and a diverse natural resource base in NW Kenya. EC further funds a DMI Water.
Mid-Term Evaluation
The Mid-term Evaluation has three key objectives
  1. To review and evaluate progress to date vis-à-vis moving towards achieving effectiveness and efficiency in the drought management system in Kenya and strengthened capacity of Turkana and Pokot communities to proactively address their own needs in relation to improved disaster preparedness and response has three objectives;
  2. To assess the monitoring mechanisms and tools applied in terms of tracking change above the Results level inclusive of social, environmental, institutional change.
  3. Make recommendations on adjustments required.
The evaluation is intended to provide a comprehensive ‘check’ at mid-term with critical assessment of progress, strategies, change arising and administrative and technical matters.

The consultant(s) will be expected to explore climatic shocks and their impact since project inception and not simply ‘drought’. In addition, as considerable emphasis is placed on soft initiatives such as institutional and human capacity building in order to achieve the high level goal, the review will explore what positive and tangible changes are taking place at the family and community level.

Recommendations on strategies, approaches and/or activities are expected with documentation of key lesson-learning. Looking at where synergy and positive gains can be made with the DMI Water project will be required.
In addition to above objectives the following are expected:
  • Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the project in terms of resource use-geographic area, change taking place above the activity level
  • Critically analyze the implementation and management arrangements of the project
  • List and document initial lessons concerning project design, implementation and management
  • Assess project outcomes to date and review planned strategies and plans for achieving the overall objectives within the timeframe
  • Assess project relevance to local community and regional or district priorities
  • Provide guidance for the future
  • Review ownership and responsibility vis-à-vis the Asset-based Community Development initiative within the project.
  • Highlight and analyze key achievements to date including unexpected outcomes.
Project performance will be measured based on the quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Many of these indicators relate to the reduction/prevention of the key threats to access to dry season pasture and water in each of the 18 sites. The logical framework and overall proposal for this project sets out a range of impact/implementation indicators that will be used to gauge impact and process.

Success and failure will be determined in part by monitoring relative changes in baseline conditions established at the beginning of the project.

The report of the Mid-Term Evaluation will be shared with follow-up not only within the DMI Consortium (Livestock and Water) and EC as donor but furthermore with the relevant District Steering Groups, the Drought Management Authority, Line Ministries, indigenous local community groups and other stakeholders in Turkana, Pokot and Samburu relevant districts.

The Mid-term Evaluation will be carried out by a team of two external consultants:
  • 1st Consultant - specialist on areas of monitoring and evaluation with the focus on Arid and Semi Arid Lands drought preparedness, Livestock development, mainstreaming peace and conflict reconciliation into natural resource use planning, community self help development and sustainable livelihoods, community centered participatory approaches;
  • 2nd Consultant – specialist on areas of linking relief rehabilitation and development in vulnerable societies, Livestock management and development with additional knowledge on NGO/indigenous community would be an asset.
The team is expected to be familiar with the region and have basic knowledge of the project area (such as region’s ecosystem, socio-economic and vulnerability context, threats to community co-existence)

The expert(s) will be expected to submit two hardcopies and soft copy of a detailed work plan within two (2) days of signing the consultancy contract.

An interim report will be submitted to the Project Manager and a detailed final report will be presented to the VSF-B Regional Programme Manager based on the findings of the study. The entire report will be presented in English and will remain the property of VSF-B. Hard copies and a soft copy must be submitted.
Closing date: 31st March 2010.
Contact Information

Interested expert(s) should submit proposals indicating relevant qualifications and experience as well as detailed execution plan they would use for the mission.

They should also indicate daily consultancy rates and possible starting dates. The proposals, CV and letter of motivation as well as three (3) referees should be sent electronically to recruitment @ Ref: DMI Consultancy 1/10

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Monitoring and Evaluation

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