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Sunday, March 14, 2010

State Law Office Jobs - Public Service Commission of Kenya

Senior Deputy Prosecution Counsel
Two (2) Posts
(Department of Public Prosecutions)

Basic Salary Scale:Ksh.109,089 – Ksh.144,928 p.m.
(SLG 7)

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:
  • served in the grade of Deputy Prosecution Counsel SLG ‘6’ for a minimum period of three (3) years; and
  • demonstrated a high degree of administrative and professional competence in work at that level.
Duties and Responsibilities

The officer will responsible to the Director of Public Prosecutions for the proper functioning of the department.

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:
  • undertaking public criminal prosecutions;
  • setting criminal charges;
  • being responsible to the State in serious criminal appeals and revisions;
  • evaluating performance of professional prosecution and appeal personnel;
  • advising Government Ministries/Departments and State Corporations on matters pertaining to the application of criminal law; and
  • expounding and disseminating prosecution policy.
Deputy Chief Litigation Counsel
One (1) Post
(Department of Civil Litigation)

Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.89,748 – Ksh.120,270
(SLG 6)

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:
  • served in the grade of Senior Principal Litigation Counsel SLG ‘5’ for a minimum period of three (3) years; and
  • demonstrated administrative and professional competence in work performance at that level.
Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:
  • administration of Civil Registry;
  • conducting cases for and on behalf of Government Ministries/Departments and State Corporations;
  • allocating case files;
  • being responsible for the filing of memoranda of appearance in all suits against the Government, State Corporations or other given legal aid when summons require such appearance;
  • undertaking arbitrations; and
  • undertaking research in the department.
Deputy Chief Parliamentary Counsel
One (1) Post
(Department of Legislative Drafting)

Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.89,748 – Ksh.120,270 p.m.
(SLG 6)

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:
  • served in the grade of Senior Principal Parliamentary Counsel SLG ‘5’ for a minimum period of three (3) years; and
  • demonstrated administrative and professional competence in work performance at that level.
Duties and responsibilities will include:
  • drafting of all bills, subsidiary legislative and notices of appointment to offices in the Public Service and State Corporations where the relevant law requires gazettement;
  • preparing annual supplement to the laws of Kenya;
  • publication of the Legislative Supplement of the Kenya Gazette in liaison with the Government printer;
  • advising Government Ministries/Department and State Corporations on Legislative and other legal matters; and
  • attending to passage of Bills in the National Assembly and preparing vellum copier for assent and subsequent publication of Acts in the Gazette.
Senior Deputy Registrar-General II
One (1) Post
(Department of Registrar-General)

Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.89,748 – Ksh.120,270 p.m.
(SLG 6)

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have:
  • served in the grade of Assistant Deputy Registrar, SLG ‘5’ or in a comparable position for a minimum period of three (3) years; and
  • demonstrated administrative and professional competence in work at that level.
Duties and Responsibilities

The Senior Deputy Registrar-General II will be responsible for the coordination and control of the administrative and professional activities within the department.

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:
  • registration and liquidation of companies;
  • registering business names partnerships, chattels transfers, building societies and hire purchase agreements;
  • being an assistant official receiver or Deputy Registrar of companies, coat of arms, societies, adoptions, marriage and legitimated persons;
  • supervising various Registries in the department, handling of gazette notices; and
  • undertaking research in the department.
Applications are invited from qualified candidates for the positions shown above.

Interested and qualified persons are requested to make their applications online through one of the Commission’s websites and OR by completing ONE application form PSC 2 (Revised 2007).

The form may be downloaded from the Commission’s websites.

Please Note
  • Serving officers should first register their personal profiles on the Commission’s website before making an application for a job online. Those already registered may edit their profiles if need be.
  • Candidates should NOT attach any copies of academic and professional certificates to the application form. ALL the details requested in the advertisement should be filled on the form.
  • Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted.
  • Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.
  • The Public Service Commission is committed to availing equal employment opportunities To ALL KENYANS.
Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce originals of their National Identity Card, academic and professional certificates and testimonials during interviews.

Serving officers will be required to produce the original letter of appointment to their current substantive post during the interview.

Completed application forms should be sent to:

The Secretary
Public Service Commission of Kenya
P.O. Box 30095 – 00100

so as to reach the Commission on or before 29th March, 2010.

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