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Friday, July 9, 2010


Looking for someone who fits this criteria:

1. Proactive and Eager to learn.
2. Team Player.
3. Loyal to the company.
4. Can Co-Ordinate events and eventually host them.
5. Knows Basic Web Maint. & Dev't.
6. Technical and Creative ( Yes, need both in one ) 
7. Can work under high pressure ( 20,000 leagues under the sea kind of pressure ) 
8. Is responsible ( He / She with this position has got to be ) 
9. Can be Male or Female, i'm not gender insensitive.
10. Has an eye for design. ( Aligns with the creativity )
11. Is business minded.
12. Good at PR.
13. Is able to sell on occasion.
14. Can travel / is comfortable travelling. A lot of travel is going to be involved.

Please let me know if you know anyone / are capable of taking on such a position.

Rahim Kara,
Pro App's Specialist,
Elite Digital Solutions 

+254 (20) 375 3500 PHONE
+254 734 334 074 Zain MOBILE
+254 773 104 250 Orange MOBILE

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