We hope this email finds you well
Kenya Youth Parliament, the organizers of the 2010 National Youth Conversation; Conference on Peace, Reforms & Youth Economic Empowerment in Nairobi, Kenya from Oct 12th to 16th, 2010 invites you to participate in the oncoming largest gathering that brings together social activists, peace builders and youth leaders in the pursuit and defining of a Better Kenya This conference brings together only four (4) participants from every constituency as a ‘Call to Action’ to assist young people ‘learn’ and ‘understand’ their roles in Building a Peaceful Kenya and provide them with tools, information and ideas of participating and influencing the Reforms Agenda at the grassroots levels. This will be achieved through the design of Individual Action Plans (IAP’s) to be implemented at grassroots level and coordinated Constituency Actions Plans (CCAP’s) to be coordinated by Kenya Youth Parliament and its partners.
This conference is a follow-up of activities being ran under the aegis of the Youth Platform for Change “YP4C” namely the National Youth Conversation CafĂ©’s in the grassroots areas, the Koffi Annan Justice and Peace National Tournament Coordinated by Mathare Youth Sports Association (MYSA) and Sports Connect Academy (SCA) , and a play which has been specifically scripted to capture the issues in the proposed constitution as well as the events during and after the post-election, radio drama and stage play to be staged at different venues of the country by Artists Forum International (AFI). To learn much more about Youth Platform for Change (YP4C) and its partners, write to info@kenyayouthparliament.org, copa@copafrica.org and safer. Nairobi@gmail.com
More information about the conference, participation and registration, visit www. kyppeaceandreformsconference. org.For any enquiries, contact us on info@ kyppeaceandreformsconference. org or stella@ kyppeaceandreformsconference. org or telephone numbers +254 20 2217529, Cell Phones: +254 732 939704 (Zain) or +254 722 457849 (Safaricom)