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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) Request for Proposal – Implementation of On-Line Registration and Confirmation of Examination Results Solution

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) was established in 1980 through an Act of Parliament (CAP 225A) as a non-profit making institution to conduct school and post-school national examinations (except university) and award certificates to successful candidates.
The Council also administers a number of examinations on behalf of foreign examination bodies.
In order to effectively meet the ever-increasing expectations of its stakeholders, KNEC is seeking to implement an on-line examination management solution that will improve our service delivery to clients both locally and internationally.
The Council is now seeking services of a reputable firm to help with the implementation of an online solution for registration and confirmation of examination results.
A detailed set of request for proposal documents may be obtained by interested consultants in person or by written application from KNEC Procurement Office located on the 3rd Floor, National Housing Corporation (NHC) Building upon payment of non-refundable fee of KSh 3,000 by banker’s cheque drawn in the Name of Kenya National Examinations Council.
Proposals in plain sealed envelops and marked “Proposal for Online Registration and Result Confirmation Solution” should be deposited into the Tender Box at NHC House 6th floor or be sent to and received not later than August 3, 2010 at 10.00 am and addressed to:
The Council Secretary/Chief Executive Officer
Kenya National Examination Council
P.O. Box 73598-00200
Bid documents received after the scheduled closing time for submission will not be considered for evaluation and will be returned to the bidders unopened.
Consultants or their representatives are welcome to attend the bid opening that will take place on the same closing day immediately after the closing time.
Council Secretary/Chief Executive
The Kenya National Examinations Council is ISO 9001: 2008 Certified

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