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Monday, July 12, 2010

ADRA Somalia Consultant Opportunity: Water Points Management, Health &Hygiene, Institutional Capacity Building and Conflict Mitigation Training

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Somalia is an International
Non-Governmental Organization registered in Kenya and operating in Somalia.

ADRA is seeking the services of a qualified consultant (preferably Somali) to carry
out the following consultancy:
Water Points Management, Health &Hygiene, Institutional Capacity Building and Conflict Mitigation Training
The consultant will carry out the following responsibilities:
  • To train participants on water management and environmental sanitation issues;
  • To train the participants on health and hygiene practices and good dissemination methods for the same;
  • To develop a manual on the best practical health and hygiene practices for the project area;
  • To train and build capacities of the participants to take charge and manage their rehabilitated water points and systems in a sustainable manner. The participants will be trained in order to stimulate their understanding for the need for proper management and find ways of achieving this goal;
  • To formulate solutions against conflict mitigation of destruction of water points and also ways of resolving and mitigating conflicts and insecurity issues pertaining to water disputes hence promote sustainability of the newly rehabilitated / reconstructed water point sources.
Qualifications of the Consultant
  • Technically competent in training communities in water management and leadership skills. The consultants need to be a good and proven trainer with excellent training skills and methodologies suitable for adult learning;
  • Proven track record as trainers in water management and leadership skills for communities;
  • Ability to train well in a team and train adults with low education levels;
  • Immediate availability to undertake the assignment.
  • Degree in community Development.
Other requirements:
  • Ability to live in shared facilities with limited amenities, a valid passport and own laptop
For more information on the above and the TOR , please visit our

Interested persons should send a technical and financial proposal to or by 23rd July 2010.

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

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