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Monday, July 12, 2010

ADRA Somalia Consultant Opportunity - Training of women on Entrepreneurship, Health and Hygiene

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Somalia is an International Non-Governmental Organization registered in Kenya and operating in Somalia.

ADRA is seeking the services of a qualified Consultant (preferably Somali) to carry out the following:
Training of women on Entrepreneurship, Health and Hygiene
The consultant will carry out the following responsibilities:
  • Training on Sanitation, Health & Hygiene
  • Training on business management skills.
  • Develop a training manual on business management skills.
  • Development of IGA tracking records/tools on the established IGA
  • Review the developed IGA tools.
Qualifications of the Consultant
  • Possess a BSc. in Economics, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness and post graduate studies in entrepreneurship and other relevant field to the TOR.
  • At least 5 years of exposure and experience in combination of training communities in business management skills, savings schemes, and management of SME’s, and experience in countries which are politically unstable.
  • Be conversant and competent in PHAST and CHAST/CHASE methodologies.
  • The consultant needs to be a good and proven trainer with excellent training skills and methodologies suitable for adult learning.
  • Able and willing to work under rapidly changing dynamic conditions of Somalia.
  • Immediate availability to undertake the assignment.
Other requirements:
  • Ability to live in shared facilities with limited amenities, a valid passport and own laptop
For more information on the above and the TOR , please visit our website

Interested persons should send a technical and financial proposal to or by 23rd July 2010.

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

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