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Thursday, July 22, 2010

4GL DB developer

I am looking for a database developer who understands and has knowledge in programming languages and techniques 4GL to be precise. You must understand the performance, integrity and security of a databases


1. vast experiences in database structures bla bla bla
2. Must be willing to travel for at least 3 to 4 months
3. should be methodical, logical, patient, careful, and accurate. 
4. must be adaptable to new things, and be able to work well under pressure.
5. need to be good communicators, who is able to work well with others, but also possess the self-discipline and stamina to work on their own.

This is a short term contract, if you think you are up to the task, email me a summary of two projects you have been involved directly as a DB developer on  before 20th July. 2010

Lets see what you are made off, an attractive offer is in waiting..

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