The KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme is a partnership between the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Oxford University and the Wellcome Trust.
The Programme is well known internationally for its work tackling malaria and other infectious diseases among children and has a broad scope in medical research, carrying out basic laboratory-based research, clinical and community based studies, health systems and health policy research.
The twin overriding aims of the Programme are to conduct research to the highest international scientific and ethical standards on health problems which are major causes of morbidity and mortality in Africa, and to build strong and sustainable national and regional research capacity.
The Programme has its headquarters in the KEMRI Centre for Geographic Medicine Research- Coast (CGMRC) in Kilifi and a research grouping in Nairobi. It is led by a management team consisting of a KEMRI-Centre Director, a Programme Director, a Chief Operating Officer and a group of senior researchers, each leading a major research group.
The Programme has approximately 750 staff.
The Programme is looking to recruit a highly experienced professional for Head of Finance. This is a senior management position and reports to the Chief Operating Officer. The Head of Finance is responsible for strategic financial planning and directing the activities of the finance and procurement functions to directly support implementation of the Programme’s strategy and goals.
For full job description and application procedure, please visit our website under the Careers & Training section.
Deadline for applications: 22nd May, 2010.
This is a re-advertisement of the position, previous applicants need not re-apply.