Vacancies in the Ministry of Roads
Chief Engineer (Roads)
One (1) Post
(Department of Roads)
Basic Salary Scale:Ksh.100,620 – Ksh.127,980 p.m.
(Job Group ‘S’)
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must:
- have served for at least three (3) years in the grade of Senior Principal Superintending Engineer (Roads/Materials), Job Group ‘R’ or in a comparable position in the Public Service;
- possess a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent qualifications from a recognized university;
- be registered as a professional Engineer by the Engineers’ Registration Board of Kenya.
- have ability to articulate, interpret and implement National and International Policies and Development Goals; and
- have organizational, conceptual, analytical, and decision making skills.
The Chief Engineer (Roads) will head the Roads Department and be responsible to the Roads Secretary for:
- reviewing and formulating roads policies, planning, construction repair and maintenance of roads;
- roads engineering services;
- directing, controlling and coordinating roads works;
- developing standards in roads services for design, construction and maintenance;
- implementing department’s strategic objectives;
- preparing and implementing departments performance contract;
- mobilizing teams;
- overseeing financial and asset management issues of the department;
- instituting operational accountability and transparency;
- securing and managing financial support for development plans; and
- overall supervision, training and developing departmental staff.
Two (2) Posts
(Department of Mechanical and Transport)
Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.94,235 – Ksh.120,270 p.m.
(Job Group ‘R’)
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must:
- have served for at least three (3) years in the grade of Principal Superintending Engineer (Mechanical), Job Group ‘Q’ or in a comparable position in the Public Service;
- possess a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent qualifications from a recognized university; and
- be registered as a professional Engineer by the Engineers’ Registration Board of Kenya.
- have ability to articulate and implement Ministerial/Departmental Mandate;
- have organizational, analytical, and decision making skills;
An officer at this level will be deployed to perform duties in one of the following functional
areas: Planning and Development; Mechanical and Transport Fund.
In Planning and Development function, the duties and responsibilities will include:
- implementing Mechanical Transport and Plant policies for efficient provision of vehicles and Plant Services;
- controlling and supervising all activities related to planning, improvement of workshops and workshop facilities;
- preparing annual mechanical transport and plant development work programmes and budget;
- preparing, coordinating and monitoring strategic plans;
- coordinating the performance contract of the department; and
- monitoring and evaluating projects.
- implementing consultancy services, equipment utilization and maintenance policies for the efficient provision of activities of Mechanical and Transport Fund (MTF);
- coordinating and supervising all activities of the MTF at the department;
- budgeting for the Departmental vote; and
- preparing and implementing programmes for procurement, overhaul, replacement, allocation and disposal of vehicles, plant and mechanical equipment.
Two (2) Posts
(Department of Mechanical and Transport)
Basic Salary Scale: Ksh.77,527 – Ksh.98,947 p.m.
(Job Group ‘Q’)
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must:
- have served for at least three (3) years in the grade of Chief Superintending Engineer (Mechanical), Job Group ‘P’ or in a comparable position in the Public Service;
- possess a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent qualifications from a recognized university; and
- be registered as a professional Engineer by the Engineers’ Registration Board of Kenya.
- have ability to articulate and implement Ministerial/Departmental Mandate;
- have organizational, analytical, and decision making skills;
An officer at this level will be deployed to perform duties in one of the following functional areas: Consultancy Services, Equipment Utilization, Equipment Maintenance, Planning and Development.
In Consultancy Services, duties and responsibilities will include controlling, directing and supervising all activities related to consultancy services which shall include:
- developing and reviewing standards for vehicles, plant and equipment;
- disposal of vehicles, plant, equipment and other mechanical stores;
- standardization of procurement procedures as per the Procurement Act;
- designing and modifying vehicle bodies, plant and equipment;
- formulating vehicle, plant and equipment hiring strategies;
- coordinating the department’s technical consultancy services with other public and private sectors; and
- overseeing staff welfare and discipline.
- coordinating and supervising preparation of income and expenditure forecast on all (MTF) activities;
- monitoring the utilization of vehicles, plant and equipment in the field under (MTF);
- preparing progress and output Departmental reports;
- recommending changes in hire rate as necessary; and
- implementing measures to improve availability of equipment.
- coordinating and supervising preparation of expenditure forecasts on maintenance activities;
- monitoring expenditure in the regions against the Department’s votes;
- coordinating preparation of equipment maintenance progress reports;
- coordinating vehicles, plant and equipment inventory in all regions; and
- coordinating fabrication and manufacturing in the mechanical workshops including inspection activities and testing of drivers.
- controlling and supervising all planning programmes related to mechanical engineering, motor vehicle, plant equipment and workshops facilities;
- financial preparation of programmes for availability and utilization, arrangement, allocation, maintenance, replacement and disposal of vehicles, plant and mechanical equipment;
- long-term planning for equipment management and workshop development programme;
- developing and training of staff which shall include interpretation of the approved plans for the development of Mechanical and Transport Development (MTD); and
- costing of the plans for purposes of implementing the plans by preparing realistic budgets as per the funding levels of MTD development of information technology within the department.
Interested and qualified persons are requested to make their applications online through one of the Commission’s websites www.publicservice.go.keand OR by completing ONE application form PSC 2 (Revised 2007).
The form may be downloaded from the Commission’s websites.
Please Note
- Serving officers should first register their personal profiles on the Commission’s website before making an application for a job online. Those already registered may edit their profiles if need be.
- Candidates should NOT attach any copies of academic and professional certificates to the application form. ALL the details requested in the advertisement should be filled on the form.
- Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted.
- Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.
- The Public Service Commission is committed to availing equal employment opportunities To ALL KENYANS.
Serving officers will be required to produce the original letter of appointment to their current substantive post during the interview.
Completed application forms should be sent to:
The Secretary
Public Service Commission of Kenya
P.O. Box 30095 – 00100
so as to reach the Commission on or before 29th March, 2010.