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Monday, March 15, 2010

Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs Kenya - NSA- NET Programme Management and Facilitation Unit Jobs

Republic of Kenya
Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs
Supported by the EU
NSA-NET Programme Management and Facilitation Unit

The Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs is inviting applications for the following positions in the Programme Management and Facilitation Unit (PMFU) of the Non-State Actors Support Programme (NSA-NET), which is financed by the European Union.

The PMFU will manage and co-ordinate the implementation of a support and capacity building programme for Non-State Actors (NSAs), which will also include a grant component.

The recruitment of the following staff is subject to the adoption of a Rider to the Financing Agreement which funds this programme.
The Positions
Finance and Administration Manager

The position is open to Kenyan nationals and nationals of African, Caribbean and Pacific member States who are resident in Kenya with a valid working permit.

The Finance and Administration Manager will report to the PMFU Programme Manager.
Main Responsibilities:
  • Support the programme management (imprest administrator, imprest accounting officer and programme manager) in the implementation of the NSA-NET programme, with a particular view to ensuring compliance with the 10th EDF financial procedures.
  • Support the programme management in the budgeting and budget control of PMFU expenditures under the subsequent Programme Estimates.
  • Set up and maintain under the responsibility of imprest administrator and imprest accounting officer a financial system, including the development of a financial and administrative rules and procedures manual for the PMFU.
  • Support the imprest accounting officer in managing and reconciling bank account(s), monthly and quarterly statements.
  • Provide proper accountability for all PMFU expenditures under the subsequent Programme Estimates.
  • In his/her administrative capacity, ensure that PMFU procurement is undertaken following either 10th EDF procedures, or the programme’s financial and administrative procedures manual, and present monthly and quarterly procurement reports to the programme management.
  • Facilitate any audits the programme will be exposed to.
  • Attend Programme Steering Committee meetings, amongst others, to present periodic financial reports.
  • Liaise with the Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs, the National Authorising Officer, the Contracts and Finance Department in the European Community Delegation and with financial departments in NSA organisations on financial and accountability issues of both the PMFU and grantees, or other matters as required.
  • Oversee the Office Manager’s position and provide proper support to ensure this function can perform as required.
  • Execute any other assignment with finance aspects that the Programme Steering Committee, the imprest administrator, imprest accounting officer and/or Programme Manager deem necessary.
Qualifications and Skills:
  • University degree in accounting or finance management
  • A certified public accountant (CPA(K)/ACCA)
  • At least 10 years experience in accounting;
  • At least 5 years experience in financial management of development programmes/projects;
  • Experience with administration and human resource management;
  • Experience with EDF supported programmes is a distinct advantage (Programme Estimates and periodic replenishments);
  • Experience with NSA grants management is a distinct advantage.
Monitoring and Evaluation Manager

The position is open to Kenyan nationals and nationals of African, Caribbean and Pacific member States who are resident in Kenya with a valid working permit. The Monitoring and Evaluation Manager will report to the PMFU Programme Manager.
Main Responsibilities:
  • Design a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework for the programme based on and connected to, but not necessarily identical to, the logical framework in the Financing Agreement (specific objective and result areas). The framework will be simple and cost effective to apply by NSA partners and the PMFU.
  • Assist other managers in the PMFU and NSA partners in the identification of relevant output and outcome indicators and on methodologies to collect data on these indicators.
  • Develop a simple and practical M&E handbook for NSA programme partners, as well as the PMFU.
  • Orient and train programme staff and NSA partners in the application of data collection systems and the proper assessment and analysis of indicator data.
  • Prepare analytical quarterly progress reports for presentation to the Programme Steering Committee and programme NSA partners, which provide insight in the progress of the programme in terms of outputs and effects (outcomes).
  • Systematically collect, report and disseminate (through or delegated by the Programme Manager) lessons learned, best practices, case studies etc. in the programme.
  • Execute any other assignment reasonably in line with the purpose of the position, given by the Programme Steering Committee and/or Programme Manager.
Qualifications and Skills:
  • University degree in development studies, social sciences or other relevant subject;
  • At least 5 years of M&E experience at a senior level;
  • Expertise in the design of M&E systems, their roll out and implementation, data collection methods, progress analysis and reporting;
  • Expertise in training of organizations on application of M&E systems and reporting ;
  • Thoroughly familiar with M&E methodologies and approaches;
  • Experience with application of M&E in an NSA environment is a distinct advantage.
Grants Officer

The position is open to Kenyan nationals and nationals of African, Caribbean and Pacific member States who are resident in Kenya with a valid working permit. The Grants Officer will report to the PMFU Programme Manager.
Main Responsibilities:
  • Set up and maintain a database of grantees, their projects, achievements and constraints experienced.
  • Set up and maintain an always accurate and up to date grant tracking data base.
  • Develop a grant management manual for PMFU utilization.
  • Develop a grant accounting manual for grantees that incorporates the 10th EDF guidelines for grant management.
  • Orient and train relevant grantee staff in the application of the guidelines as well as PMFU staff if required.
  • Produce quarterly reports on grants performance from the financial and the technical perspective for programme management and the Programme Steering Committee.
  • Collaborate closely with the Finance and Administration Manager in the review of financial reports and accountabilities of grantees and consolidate them for the purpose of management information.
  • Collaborate closely with the Monitoring and Evaluation Manager as regards monitoring of the grants and their implementation; captures lessons learned and grant implementation constraints.
  • Ensure that all communication on grants with grantees, being contractual communication, is recorded and filed properly and will be accessible for PMFU and auditors.
  • Review payment requests from grantees and ensure that grantees manage their budgets according 10th EDF procedures.
  • Assess budget re-allocation requests from grantees against what is allowed under 10th EDF rules, and against the achievement of objectives and results of the grantee project and advises the Programme Manager on approval.
  • Any other assignment given by the Programme Manager reasonably in line with the purpose of the position.
Qualifications and Skills:
  • University degree in finance, business administration or other relevant field;
  • At least 5 years experience with grants management and grants accounting;
  • Experience with the development of grants management and grants accounting manuals, as well as the maintenance of grant tracking systems;
  • Experience with EDF grants management and grants accounting rules and regulations is a distinct advantage;
  • Good knowledge of NSA structures and operations in Kenya.
Office Manager

The position is open to Kenyan nationals. The Office Manager will report to the PMFU Finance and Administration Manager.
Main Responsibilities:
  • Supervise other support staff - Office Assistant and Driver.
  • Provide secretarial duties to the other managers and officers in the PMFU.
  • Draft routine correspondence.
  • Staff the front desk, receive and guide visitors, distribute phone calls as necessary.
  • Maintain files for all incoming and outgoing correspondence.
  • Set up and maintain the PMFU filing system.
  • Execute PMFU procurement following 10th EDF guidelines and the programme financial and administrative guidelines.
  • Coordinate PMFU team meetings, prepare and distribute minutes.
  • Coordinate Programme Steering Committee meetings, prepare minutes to be endorsed initially by the Programme Manager and ultimately by the Programme Steering Committee Chair, and distribute them.
  • Manage Service Level Agreements for computer and software maintenance, copier etc.;
  • Manage and control office supplies.
  • Set up and maintain a programme assets register.
  • Maintain a relevant NSA, GoK, donor, and other NSA programmes contact database.
  • Organise and coordinate capacity building and other programme events.
  • Coordinate field visits and other travel for PMFU staff.
  • Manage the PMFU petty cash.
  • Execute any other reasonable duties as assigned by the Finance and Administration Manager.
Qualifications and Skills:
  • University degree in business administration, office management or other relevant field;
  • At least 3 years experience in a similar position;
  • Experience in setting up and maintaining filing systems; minute taking; office procurement, maintaining office supplies; setting up and maintaining assets registers; and in petty cash management;
  • Personal initiative and ability to work independently and in a busy environment.

The position is open to Kenyan nationals. The Driver will report to the PMFU Office Manager.
Main Responsibilities:
  • Drive the programme vehicle and ensure safety of passengers.
  • Ensure the vehicle is always in good working condition and clean.
  • Execute regular checks on the condition of the car and the availability of emergency tools, first aid box etc.
  • Ensure the safety and security of the vehicle at all times and particularly on field trips, and safety of the persons and/or equipment therein.
  • Ensures that licenses (including the driver’s license), insurances etc. are always up to date by timely informing the Office Manager.
  • Maintain a vehicle logbook.
  • Deliver mail, documentation and/or payments (cheques) if necessary.
  • Perform any other reasonable duties as assigned by the Office Manager.
Qualifications and Skills:
  • Form four certificate holder;
  • Holder of a valid driving licence;
  • A certificate of good conduct;
  • 5 years driving experience;
  • Excellent knowledge of Nairobi and of Kenya in general;
  • Basic mechanical knowledge about vehicles;
  • Has a proven track record of accident free driving.
Office Assistant

The position is open to Kenyan nationals. The Office Assistant will report to the PMFU Office Manager.
Main Responsibilities:
  • Clean and maintain the office premises to ensure a good working environment.
  • Prepare and distribute office tea.
  • Manage office/kitchen consumables.
  • Execute clerical work such as photo copying, binding etc.
  • Replace, in case of absence, the Office Manager at the front desk.
  • Perform any other reasonable duties as assigned by the Office Manager.
Qualifications and Skills:
  • Form four certificate holder;
  • At least two years experience in a comparable position;
  • Knowledge in operating and cleaning office equipment.

The above-mentioned positions will be contract positions over a period of two years, subject to successful performance and the programme’s timeframe.
Application Procedure:

Applications and detailed CV’s of interested candidates should be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the reference number of the position applied for at the front of the envelope, by latest Friday, 7th April 2010, 16.00 hours East African Standard Time, to the following address:

The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs
Co-operative Bank House, 7th Floor
P.O. Box 56057-00200
Nairobi, Kenya.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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