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Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Recruit Announcement
GIBBUN WOORI WORLD KENYA (GWW-Kenya) is an International NGO base on Seoul, South Korea making a debut in Africa. We are building a Welfare Centre in Ongata Rongai area and wish to recruit qualified peoples:
 Focused field:  Child Welfare
                Vocational Training
                Rehabilitation centre for the disables 
Vacant position: physiotherapist
               Occupational therapist
               Special Education Teacher
                   -teacher with skills and training to teach learners with special needs
               Social worker
               Technical teacher (tailoring, hair dressing, knitting, bakery, carpentry)
How to apply
Send us your CV, academic achievement, qualified certifications and anything identifying your abilities with three referee letter via by 28th of February 2010.
Successful applicants will be contacted for the interview
Enquiries and detailed job description will be available by

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Education and Training

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