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Monday, March 15, 2010

Agriculture Specialist - World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Recruiting aAgriculture Specialist on Agricultural Finance for The MDG Centre East and Southern Africa

The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) is supporting the implementation of the Millennium Villages Project (MVP).

The Millennium Villages Project employs a community-based integrated development approach to help lift rural communities out of the poverty trap that afflicts more than a billion people worldwide.

The Millennium Villages Project (MVP) is supported by Millennium Promise and the Earth Institute, non-profit organizations, whose vision is the eradication of extreme global poverty.

Millennium Promise’s mission is to encourage individuals and organizations to join the fight against global poverty, disease, and hunger through an unprecedented campaign that draws on the support of all parts of society — individuals, businesses, charitable organizations, faith-based groups, governments — to ensure the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) by 2015 and the end of extreme poverty by 2025.

The MVP is also supported by The MDG Centre, East and Southern Africa.

The Center focuses on policy support at the national level and provides advisory services to the MVP with an intention of scaling up MDG related activities to district and national levels.
The position

The MDG Centre is seeking a qualified candidate to fill the position of an Agriculture Specialist to be based at its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya working in East & Southern Africa and reporting directly to the MDG Centre Director
Duties and responsibilities:

The incumbent will advise on agricultural techniques, policies specified in the job description below.
  • Advise governments on the design and implementation of agricultural productivity improvement programmes, including the use of smart subsidies, rural credit schemes and market price support;
  • Assist governments in mobilizing additional domestic and international resources in scaling up proven practices at wider scale;
  • Advise MVPS on agricultural techniques and relevant information in their effort to improve productivities of farmers;
  • Synthesize relevant lessons from MVPS and other programs to identify and document best practices and guidelines for wide adaptation and adoption in Africa;
  • Facilitate high-level policy dialogue among national policy makers and development partners to advocate and support action for the African Green Revolution (AGR);
  • Develop and nurture strategic partnerships with NGOs and other institutions that can contribute effectively to the AGR;
  • Serve as liaison with key Africa-based institutions, such as the African Development Bank, the AU, and NEPAD;
  • Collaborate with National , regional, and international research centers in research and extension programs in exchanging information and technologies;
  • Support advocacy for the AGR through strategic participation in regional and international conferences.
  • Team up with other sectors manager in designing and implementations of sector wide programs and projects.
  • Implement other assignments designated to her /him by the Director of the Center
Minimum qualification and experience required for this position
  • Post-graduate qualification (MS/MA or PhD) in agriculture economics livestock or related field;
  • Minimum 5 years experience in agriculture extension/ research and policy advises
  • Success in working in cross-sectoral and multi-cultural teams;
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Creative and dynamic self-starter.
ICRAF/Millennium Promise is an equal opportunity employer offering a competitive salary and benefits package, and a collegial working environment.

The contract is for an initial period of one (1 ) year, renewable subject to a three (3) months probation period, assessment of performance, and availability of resources.

ICRAF/Millennium Promise offers a collegial and gender-sensitive working environment, believes that staff diversity promotes excellence, and strongly encourages applications from qualified women.

Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above position against the listed qualifications/competencies/skills and a detailed curriculum vitae, with names and addresses of three referees (including telephone and fax numbers and email address).

Applications should indicate “Application for the Agriculture Specialist” on their application letters OR email submissions.

All correspondence should be addressed to the Human Resources Unit, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), P.O. Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya OR via email: icrafhru @ Applications will be considered until 29th March, 2010 or until a suitable candidate is identified and selected.

Only short-listed applicants meeting the above requirements will be contacted.

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