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Monday, March 15, 2010

Advertisement for Electricity Access Scale-Up Roll-Out Program (EARP) Project Coordinator


The Government of Rwanda, in its effort to sustain the economic growth, has increased and stabilised the power production since the severe power shortages in 2004.

However, infrastructure bottlenecks in the urban areas and limited access in the rural areas have emerged as a significant constraint. One of three major strategic objectives of the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS 2008-2012) is aiming at expanding access while also improving the quality and lowering the cost of economic infrastructure — especially transport, power, and communications.

The Government of Rwanda (G0R) also exercises a strong leadership role in donor coordination and has begun to work with donors on a clearer division of labour by identifying areas of individual donor comparative advantage.

In connection with the mentioned strategy, the Government of Rwanda through the national electricity corporation (RECO) is embarked on a wide Electricity Access Program to realize the primary EDPRS target for the electricity sector of tripling access by 2012 to about 16 percent of households and at least 50 percent of identified public institutions in health, education and local administration.

This will require about 230,000 with new grid connections, and also include efforts to reach rural consumers and service providers currently off the national grid.

In this regard, RECO has established a new Electricity Access Scale-up Roll-out Program (EARP) as a part of its corporate structure. The program will be implemented within the framework of a Sector Wide approach (SWAp) to encompass all donors active in the sector under one common sector investment program for the program period covered by the Prospectus that has been endorsed by all the Partners and key sector institutions in Rwanda, including RECO

The Prospectus outlines the overarching spatial least cost rollout plan and priority connection targets through the medium term, the rollout strategy and the financing policy platform for the EARP.

Additionally, the EARP implementation will be subject to the monitoring, evaluation and results framework as well as the oversight and accountability process of regular reviews as agreed with the energy sector working group (SWG), chaired by the Minister Mininfra on advice from the Partners A number of development partners so far committed to support the program including Government of Rwanda, RECO, and major Donors such as World Bank IDA, World Bank GEF/ESMAP CEIF, African Development Bank, BADEA, OFID, Saudi Funds, Netherlands, Japan and others.

The Government of Rwanda has applied for financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Electricity Access Scale-up and Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) Development Project (EASSDP) as part of EARP and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for the services of the EARP Coordinator.
Terms of Reference for the Coordinator of the Electricity Access Scale-Up Roll-Out Program (EARP)
Key Tasks

The incumbent will have primary and overall responsibility for managing the EARP and all the line and supporting staff functions identified in the proposed management structure in the Annex; with accountability directly to the ELGZ Director General/MD.

He/She will be the designated point person from RECO that is responsible as well for managing the overall coordination, accountability and relationship with the SWG under the SWAp framework; including timely monitoring and results reporting, and briefing requirements thereof for the grid rollout program.

He/Her implementation oversight role will be carried through the entire range of task areas highlighted in the Annex, including:
  • Coordination of program activities with stakeholders including funding institutions and suppliers to build a consensus around program activities and strategies. This will be achieved in collaboration with the Rwanda Electricity Corporation (RECO) and the Energy sector working group.
  • Contracting and supervising the EARP staff, consultants and Contractors
  • Contracting and supervising the selected training provider in the implementation of the capacity building activities of the program
  • Monitoring and administration of management information system(MIS) in place
  • Ensure that procurement plans are prepared, implemented and updated from time to time as required
  • Coordinate the preparation, implementation and revision of work plans and budget of the program
  • Ensuring that program activities are related to the agreed performance indicators to measure results
  • Ensuring the establishment of adequate fiduciary procedures (financial management and procurement) including internal control procedures within EARP
  • Maintaining adequate records of program activities
  • Ensuring that all contracting, procurement, disbursements and financial management functions at all level of the program are carried out in accordance with established rules and regulations set by the corresponding funding entities
  • Carrying out of periodic checks of financial records and physical evidence of expenditures
  • Submission of appropriate justification (financial reports, bank reconciliation statements and other reasonable documentation) to all funding entities
  • Ensure complete files for all procurement records are maintained
  • Operating the program accounts
  • Ensure that financial management and procurement of the Sustainable Energy Development Project are carried out according to GoR and IDA procedures
  • Prepare program reports including the Financial, physical progress, safeguards and environmental, mid-term review reports and any other report that may be required
  • Ensure that construction works under the program are executed as planned
  • Implement defined strategies to increase electricity connectivity to reach agreed targeted new customers in accordance with GoR priorities
  • Ensure that new customers are well registered and automatically transferred in RECO system
  • Enforce least cost technology and apply appropriate standards in the infrastructure application
  • Put in place necessary processes and systems to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of the program
  • Efficient use of the GIS in the planning and design to easy program activities and ensure their prioritization
  • Ensure that contractors are implementing activities in accordance with international best practices
  • Any other task that may be assigned by the Managing Director/RECO
  • Manage strategic partnership with local and international private sector suppliers and service providers with a view to decrease costs, increase local content and improve quality through introduction of international best practises.
Key Competences
Professionalism: Proven conceptual, analytical, and evaluative skills. The ability to think strategically, act entrepreneurially, and with a strong results orientation; ability to conduct independent reviews and identify issues quickly, formulate options, arrive at conclusions and make sound recommendations; demonstrated capacity to leverage synergies and manage increasing responsibility.
Leadership: Strong motivational, managerial and supervisory skills; tact and negotiating skills, good judgment and decision-making skills, innovative and technical leadership; ability to perform and/or oversee the analysis of complex and interrelated technical,
economic, and financial programme issues; ability to gain the assistance and cooperation of others in a team endeavour.
Managing Performance: Ability to plan and establish priorities, and exercise decision-making appropriately; delegate appropriate responsibility, foster e team performance; coordinate and monitor work of others;, be accountable for results and meeting targets set
Technological Awareness: Sound computer skills, including proficiency in Microsoft Office products and complex computerized systems — including modelling skills and system project management skills.
Communications and Teamwork: Proven ability to write in a clear and concise manner and effective oral communication skills.

Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain effective work relations hips with stakeholders (internal and external). Strong interpersonal skills, ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with sensitive people and with respect for diversity.
  • University degree in Finance, Business Administration, Management, Economics, Engineering or other related field;
  • Strong experience in project or industry management is desired.
The ideal candidate will have managed large investment or scale-up programmes, either in infrastructure, telecommunications, or other similar businesses.

An experience in sub-Saharan Africa and/or dealing with different stakeholders (Government, corporate headquarters and boards, funding agencies, development partners) will be an added advantage.

Should be fluent in English and ideally also have a good command of French.
  • The EARP COORDINATOR will report to RECO Managing Director.
Contract Period
  • The Successful candidate will sign a two-year renewable Contract with RECO.

Interested candidates should send their CVs, notarized copies of their degrees, references, and an application letter including their contact address to the address below not later than 30/03/2010 to:

Rue du Lac Ihema,
P.O.B 537 Kigali, Rwanda,
Tel: (250)252 573666,
Fax: (250)252 573802.

The applications may also be sent by e-mail to the following address: elgz @

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