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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

VSF Belgium Terms of Reference for a Consultancy: Organizational Assessment for Matheniko Development Forum - Karamoja Livestock Development Project


Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (VSF) Belgium, is an international non-governmental organization with a mission to improve the welfare of vulnerable populations in developing countries, through improving animal health and production.

VSF-Belgium is officially registered as an NGO with the Belgian Government and operates in several African Countries.

One of VSFB’s approaches to development is to work in partnership with other development organizations.

For this reason, VSFB aspires to build partnerships that are inclusive, accountable, empowering, and based on relationships of openness, respect, and mutual trust for the achievement of the organizational strategic objectives.

It is in line with this that VSFB has been implementing projects in Moroto, Uganda jointly with Matheniko Development Forum (MADEFO) for the last 3 years.

VSFB has received funding from the Government of Belgium to implement the Karamoja Livestock Development Project, which focuses on addressing the chronic livelihood emergency situation of pastoralists within the Karamoja region of Uganda.

One of the objectives of the above intervention is to build the capacity of local partner organizations that will gradually take over the roles of VSFB.

Matheniko Development Forum (MADEFO) was established in December 1998 as a local indigenous organization to work with Karimojong nomadic pastoralists and Agro-Pastoralists. MADEFO, registered with the National NGO Board in 2000, was formed as a response by the Karimojong civil society groups to the many pressing issues affecting the Karimojong.

Among the issues were: deepening poverty with declining human development rating, human rights violations as a result of violent armed conflicts, the devastating state of the environment and the high rate of illiteracy, and the extreme marginalization by past and current governments.

In September 2007, MADEFO received support from CORDAID to carry out a financial management self assessment and came up with a capacity development plan, but only limited to finance. VSFB therefore, wants to compliment CORDAID’s intervention by supporting a more holistic capacity assessment.


VSFB receives both public and private funding to support development initiatives in many countries in Africa. This therefore calls for ensuring that the capacities of partners are enhanced so that they deliver on set objectives for the following reasons:

Firstly, it enables enhanced performance and impact in society.

Secondly, the ongoing sustainability of those partners is likely to be enhanced and finally there has been an ever-increasing need for public accountability in the NGO sector.

Objective of the consultancy

VSFB, under KLDP, focuses on enhancing the capacity of local partner organizations, in this case Matheniko Development Forum (MADEFO). The objective of this consultancy is to carry out a facilitated Participatory Organizational Self Assessment for Matheniko Development Forum (MADEFO), the output of which will inform the capacity building plan.

It is expected that this consultancy will help identify areas of strengths and weaknesses and come up with tangible strategies of addressing the weaknesses and capitalizing on the strengths.

Location: The consultancy will be in Moroto office, Moroto District,, Karamoja Region of Uganda.

  • The whole consultancy is expected to take 6 days: 1 day preparation in Moroto, 3 days in the field locations (Moroto), 2 days final reporting.
  • It should take place during the month of June 2010.
  • The final report should be available by 10th July 2010 at the latest.
Key Activities
  • Prepare a detailed work plan for the consultancy which outlines the methodology to be used and present to the VSFB Regional Technical Advisor for approval.
  • Review existing related literature and interviews with key stakeholders
  • Present at the end of the fieldwork preliminary findings in each area, to the project team and other humanitarian/ development partners; eg. CORDAID
  • Prepare a detailed draft report including capacity building plan on the main findings.
  • Integrate any feed-back from your presentations into the final report.
  • The consultant will draft a detailed methodology and work plan for the assessment.
  • A participatory approach will be expected with maximum stakeholder participation and appropriate involvement of management board and staff.
  • The whole mission is not expected to take more than 6 days.
  • Presentation of methodology and work-plan.
  • One debriefing at Moroto office
  • One final report.

A detailed final report (inclusive of a separate one page summary) will be presented to the VSF-B Regional Technical Advisor and KLDP Project Manager. The entire report will be presented in English and will remain the property of the VSF Belgium. A hard copy and a soft copy must be submitted.

A draft report will be expected three (3) days after the end of the field mission and the final report is expected 5 days after the comments from the VSF Belgium.

The contents of the report shall be as follows:
  • Executive summary (covering major findings and recommendations).
  • Background.
  • Description of the objectives of the mission and execution methodology.
  • Literature review
  • Findings/results
  • Discussion
  • Recommendations/capacity building plan
  • Conclusions
  • Annexes covering Terms of Reference, abbreviations, data collection formats and questionnaires used references, graphs, tables, etc.).

The KLDP Project Manager, based in Moroto, will:
  • Have overall responsibility and accountability for the mission,
  • Ensure the overall coordination of the mission in conjunction with MADEFO.
VSF Belgium will organize the logistics of the mission, and cover the transportation and accommodation costs of the consultant while in the field locations.


The consultant is expected to have the following attributes:
  • Minimum five years experience working with drought affected pastoral communities.
  • Minimum five years experience in participatory organizational capacity assessment, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Community mobilization background,.
  • Excellent inter-personal, facilitation and report writing skills.
Contact Information

Interested expert(s) should submit proposals indicating relevant qualifications and experience as well as a detailed execution plan.

They should also indicate daily consultancy rates and possible starting dates.

The proposals, CV and letter of motivation as well as three (3) referees should be sent electronically to

Closing date: 13th July 2010

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