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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Strathmore University has in place an ICT incubation initiative called Strathmore Innovation Technology Transfer program, SITT. The program seeks to commercialize ICT innovation locally. The  program is  interested in working with young Kenyan  ICT entrepreneurs /innovators/students. The  program will be  holding the second   pitch session on  16th  July  2010 as from 9:30-12:30 p.m. in Room 11 at Strathmore where ICT innovators are invited to present their  innovations for possible inclusion  in the program, interested  ICT innovators are welcome to contact me preferably via e-mail for participation in the pitch. Benefits from  joining the program  include  networking for fledgling organizations, access to capital  and investors to  aid businesses, technical  support  to develop  projects and  business  management training. Referrals  are  welcome.

NB: The program is not restricted  to Strathmore students and is open to everyone. Participants are to fill the form  attached and send it back with   concept in summarized business plan format  or /concept form and the  power point presentation  to be used for that particular day. The  tentative deadline date for reception  of this  information is 12th July 2010.

Looking forward to working with you.

Kind regards

Pius  W  Walela
Research Programs /SITT Administrator
Faculty of Information Technology
Strathmore University
Tel : +254 -020- 606155  Ext 2320
Web :
Email :

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