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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Phase One Review of Targeting Methodologies for Hunger Safety Net Programme Career Opportunity in Kenya

The Hunger Safety Net Programme is a Government of Kenya-led project, funded by DFID, aiming at ‘establishing a government-led national social protection system delivering long-term, guaranteed cash transfers to extremely poor and vulnerable people’.
The Administration Component is headed by Oxfam GB, in partnership with CARE Kenya, Save the Children UK, ALDEF Kenya and WASDA. This Component is responsible for the targeting of the beneficiaries.
The three targeting methodologies include community based targeting; social pension (pure categorical old age based); and dependency ratio categorical.
Towards the end of the targeting period for phase one (60,000 beneficiaries in Mandera, Wajir, Turkana and Marsabit), the admin component wishes to engage a consultant to review the operational effectiveness of these methodologies and draw lessons. The review will look at the historical timeline of the project implementation period.
This will be an internal learning review for the admin components that will draw lessons for implementation of similar social protection programmes and complement the outcomes of the M&E review processes.
  • The candidate should be a qualified development/social protection/ targeting expert or practitioner with experience of carrying out monitoring, evaluation and lessons review – Minimum of an MSc or equivalent in the relevant field.
  • Knowledge of social protection programming with a bias to regular and predictable cash transfers among other approaches.
  • Demonstrated experience in practical monitoring and evaluation of targeting by social protection, food security and livelihoods programmes preferably in pastoral communities.
  • Experience of training, coordination and working with various stakeholders at Local Government, NGO and community level.
  • Excellent communication skills, organisational skills and the ability to work in a team, including liaison and negotiation with technical specialists from other agencies, government and donors.
  • Excellent analytical, report writing and presentational skills backed by at least three well referenced sample work in similar sector –targeting/social protection and or cash transfers.
  • Sympathy with the principles, aims and objectives of social protection approaches.
  • Commitment to equal opportunity and gender policies.
  • Demonstrated experience of integrating gender and diversity issues into programme design, targeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
Request a detailed TOR for the review and Submit your proposal to , indicating “HSNP Targeting Review ” as the subject heading.
For inquiries call +254 20 2820215
Deadline for application: August 5th, 2010

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