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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

NGO Executive Director Vacancy in Kenya

An established National Non Governmental Organization in the children and youth sector is recruiting an Executive Director (ED) to undertake the leadership and management of this dynamic organization.

The ED will have the overall leadership and Strategic Management of both human and non-human resources of the organization to achieve its core objectives.
Key Responsibilities
  • Effective and efficient management of the human resources of the organization according to authorized personnel policies and procedures that fully conform to current labour laws and regulations.
  • Supports operations and administration of the Board of Directors by advising and informing Board members, interfacing between Board and staff.
  • Recommends yearly budget for Board approval and prudently manages organization’s resources within those budget guidelines.
  • Ensure the organization and its mission, programs, products and services are consistently presented in strong, positive image to relevant stakeholders.
  • Oversee fundraising planning and implementation, including identifying resource requirements opportunities, establishing strategies to approach Donors/Partners, submitting proposals and administering fundraising records and documentation.
  • Collaborate and maintain strong networks with the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Public and Private sector as stakeholders in development work.
  • Networking with other similar organizations within the African region and globally.
  • At least a Master’s Degree in Development Studies, Social Sciences, Business Management or related fields.
  • Minimum of 5 years experience as Executive Director/ CEO and 3 years previously in senior management.
  • Proven track record in resource mobilization and management.
  • Eligible to work in Kenya
  • Recommended age between 35- 45 years
Interpersonal and Social Skills required:
  • Proven people management and leadership skills in a multi-cultural environment and with a strong track record of developing people.
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal skills and good negotiation skills
  • Person of integrity.
  • Creative thinker, team player and self motivated person.
  • Passion for defending Child Rights and the disadvantaged in society.
  • Ability to work and perform under pressure.
  • Willingness and ability to travel nationally and internationally.
  • Ability to communicate in both English and Kiswahili languages, both oral and written (e.g. proposal writing) including public speaking.
  • Basic understanding of electronic communications and standard office of computer software.
  • Knowledge/familiarity with African and other international development organization
  • Strategic Management and Process Skills.
Terms and Conditions of Service

The successful candidate will be offered a competitive remuneration package, commensurate with qualifications and experience and in accordance with Terms and Conditions of service of the organization.

Employment will be on a five year performance based contract and renewable annually depending on performance.

Applications, including a detailed CV, copies of degree certificate and other relevant testimonials, a personal statement (maximum 1000 words), reference from two referees, one of which must come from the applicant’s university, a copy of National ID, email and mobile telephone contacts should be received at the address below not later than 28th July 2010.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

The Chairman
Board of Directors
P.O. Box 7377 00100
Nairobi Kenya

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