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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator – Livelihoods Sector

CARE International in Kenya is looking for dynamic and highly motivated individuals of high moral character and professional integrity to fill the following position:
Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator – Livelihoods Sector
Based in Nairobi
Ref: ME-16/2010
The M&E Coordinator will be responsible for guiding the overall M&E strategy and system for the livelihoods sector and will provide M&E support and technical assistance for all livelihood sector staff in the areas of performance monitoring, program evaluation, dissemination and utilization of information.
Job Description
Job Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator
Livelihoods Sector
Supervisor: Sector Manager
Grade: G
Job Summary
CARE International in Kenya (CIK) works with small holders to develop responsible and commercially viable models that demonstrate that markets can work for the poor. Using basic concepts and strategies like economies of scale and developing business plans and models are what defines this sector.
Additionally, in the Livelihoods Sector, CIK implements multiinterventions approach to implement projects aimed at improving access to proper sanitation, reducing incidences of diarrhea and improving nutritional status among children. Further, this sector drills boreholes, constructs water tanks and latrines for communities in Western Kenya.
It is under this sector that CARE is looking for an individual to ensure to oversee the Monitoring and Evaluation Function.
  1. The M&E Coordinator is responsible for guiding the overall M&E strategy and system for the livelihoods sector.
  2. The M&E Coordinator will provide M&E support for all livelihood sector staff in the area of performance monitoring, program evaluation, dissemination and utilization of information
  3. The M&E Coordinator will provide technical assistance in performance monitoring, program evaluation, dissemination and utilization of information.
Responsibilities and tasks
I. Development of Sector M&E strategy and system
  • With support of the Senior M&E specialist develop the sector M&E framework and appropriate systems in accordance to strategic plan and sector strategies.
  • Guide and coordinate the review of the project logframe including provision of technical advice for the revision of performance indicators and ensuring realistic intermediate and end of-project targets are defined
  • Identify the requirements for collecting baseline data, prepare terms-of-reference for and arrange the conduct of a baseline survey, as required. If necessary, identify the need and draw up the TORs for specific project studies.
  • Recruit, guide and supervise consultants or organizations that are contracted to implement special surveys and studies required for evaluating project effects and impacts.
  • Guide and coordinate the review of the project logframe including provision of technical advice for the revision of performance indicators and ensuring realistic intermediate and end of-project targets are defined
  • Contribute to the development of the sector Annual Operating Plan (AOP), ensuring alignment with sector strategy, agreement on annual targets and inclusion of M&E activities in the work plan
  • Ensure that the Program Monitoring Folder, which is the sector depository of key project documents, is kept up to date
  • Provide support to the projects to ensure overall program quality
  • Advice and promote best practices.
II. Sector M&E Support
  • Identify monitoring and evaluation capacity needs for staff and where possible partners and provide TA (through training, mentorship etc) or coordinate its provision with the senior M&E specialist.
  • Undertake regular program monitoring and evaluation visits to the field to support implementation of M&E and to identify where adaptations might be needed.
  • Design and implement a system to identify, analyze, document and disseminate lessons learned. This will include an annual project report and summaries.
III. Technical Assistance in M&E
  • Prepare calendar of M&E activities and budget including program development.
  • Oversee and execute M&E activities included in the AOP, with particular focus on results and impacts as well as in lesson learning. This should include the promotion of a results based approach to monitoring and evaluation, emphasizing results and impacts.
  • Coordinate the preparation of all project reports. Guide staff and partners in preparing their progress reports in accordance with approved reporting formats and ensure their timely submission. This includes quarterly progress reports, annual project report, inception report, and ad-hoc technical reports.
  • Prepare consolidated progress reports for project management including identification of problems, causes of potential bottlenecks in project implementation, and providing specific recommendations.
If you feel that you are the right candidate for this position, please send your application quoting the reference number on the subject field along with an updated CV, complete with email & telephone contacts for three professional referees, current and expected salary to:
The Human Resources & Development Manager,
CARE International in Kenya,
email: vacancies@care.or.keby 28thJuly, 2010.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
CARE is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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