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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Athi Water Services Board Consulting services for the Environmental and Socio-Economic study for Proposed Maragua Dam

The Government of Kenya intends to implement the Maragua Dam.

The Athi Water Services Board now invites qualified firms to provide Consulting Services for the Environmental and Socio-Economic Study for Proposed Maragua Dam.

The scope of the services will comprise but not limited to the following activities.

  • Carry out environmental impact assessment
  • Carry out Social Economic Survey for the project
  • Carry out a census of population to be affected by the project and prepare desegregated Data
  • Socio-economic impacts of the project to the stakeholders.
  • Carry out Aerial survey of the project area and cadastral Survey of the land parcels to be affected and accompanying list of the Registered Land Owners
  • Determine the lands to be acquired and the tentative compensation values for both land, permanent, Semi-Permanent and temporary structures and both Cash and Subsistent Crops.
  • Prepare a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the project.

Interested and qualified consulting firms may purchase the “Request for Proposals (RFP) documents for the study” at a non refundable fee of Kshs 5,000 at the address given below.

Qualified consulting firms must provide the following information demonstrating their experience and qualification to perform the services.

  • At least five years of legal existence
  • Description of similar assignments related to water resources development projects especially dams
  • Appropriate skills among staff
  • Previous experience of similar works within East Africa

Packages containing the consultants’ proposals should be clearly marked with the statement:
“Consulting services for the Environmental and Socio-Economic study for Proposed Maragua Dam”

The Proposals must be delivered to the address below not later than 12th August 2010 at 12.00 noon. Late proposals will be rejected.

Chief Executive Officer
Athi Water Services Board (AWSB)
Africa Re Centre Building, 3rd Floor
P.O. Box 45283 GPO 00100
Nairobi, Kenya

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