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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ministry of Tourism Kenya Consultancy Services

Consultancy services in capacity building and development of marketing strategy of Community based tourism enterprises (CBTEs) and market study and business plan for the Proposed Amboseli tourism vocational school

The Ministry of Tourism in collaboration with the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) and SNV Kenya (a Netherlands Capacity Building Agency), aims to enhance market access of Community Based tourism and hospitality products and services in Kenya through the Sustainable Tourism Eliminating Poverty (STEP) project.
To achieve this, the STEP program envisages building the capacity of local tourism and hospitality Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) by instilling in them business orientation, standardizing community tourism an hospitality products and services and championing the establishment of marketing hubs and at a national and regional level. The project further seeks to increase employment opportunities of the local community through provision of training; the proposed Amboseli Tourism Vocation School aims to meet this need.

In support of the above the Ministry of Tourism and the Project Implementation Committee invites the eligible consulting firm(s) for expression of interest on the following consultancy services
  1. Capacity Building of Community Based Tourism Enterprises (CBTEs)
  2. Market Study and business plan for the proposed Amboseli Tourism Vocational School
  3. Marketing strategy for Community Based Tourism Enterprises
The prospective consultants will be selected competitively and in accordance with the procedures set out in the Public
Procurement and Disposal Act 2005 and Regulations 2006.

Interested and eligible Firms/Consultants should send their applications enclosing the evidence that they are qualified to perform the required consultancy services. The evidence should include such specific information as :-
  • Company Profile
  • Full Details of the Firm’s past and present clients on similar assignments
  • Names and CVs covering professional qualifications of key personnel to be actively involved in the consultancy exercise
  • Audited financial statements for the last three years
The submission should be addressed to the address shown below for submitted to tender box provided at the entrance of 6th floor Utalii House not later than 3rd June 2010 at ten a.m. (10.00 hours) East African time clearly marked “THE EXPRESSION OF INTEREST for CONSULTANCY SERVICES IN CAPACITY BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT OF MARKETING STRATEGY OF COMMUNITY BASED TOURISM ENTERPRISES (CBTEs) AND MARKET STUDY AND BUSINESS PLAN FOR THE PROPOSED AMBOSELI TOURISM VOCATIONAL SCHOOL”.
For further details please contact Mr. David Kinyangi, Utalii House 6th Floor Room 615.
Tenders will be opened thereafter in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend at the

Ministry’s Boardroom.

The Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Tourism
P.O. Box 30027-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel +254-20-313010, Fax No. 318045/3

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