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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Construction Project Manager - Catering and Tourism Development Levy Trustees (CTDLT)

Catering and Tourism Development Levy Trustees (CTDLT), a body Corporate established under Cap.494 – Laws of Kenya, wishes to hire a highly motivated, proactive and energetic individual for the post of Construction Project Manager.
CTDLT is in the final stages of executing a plan to put up an Office Block of 14 floors of a total area in excess of 100,000 square meters (M²) on its Valley Road plot No. L.R 209/269/1.

The successful candidate will be responsible for: -
  • Co ordination with contractors
  • Review, Evaluate and monitor construction works
  • Full supervision of the property in review
  • Make monthly reports to Management and quarterly reports to the Board of Trustees
  • Liaison between Management and the Contractor
  • Ensure full compliance by the Contractor of the design, standard and obligations by the Contractor
  • Must be a degree holder – B. Civ. Eng., Bachelor of Architect or equivalent
  • At least 4 years experience in handling Commercial and Residential Projects
  • Should have creative, innovative abilities as well as, Management skills
  • Basic accounting skills will be an added advantage
  • Must have completed at least three (3) projects for which proof must be demonstrated.
  • Must be aged 35 years and above
  • State current and expected remuneration
  • Give names and contacts of three Referees.
Prospective Candidates who meet the requirements are asked to submit applications with detailed Curriculum Vitae to:-
The Chief Executive Officer,
Catering & Tourism Development Levy Trustees,
NHIF Building Parking Tower 5th Floor,
P.O. Box 46987 – 00100 GPO,
Email: info@
to reach him not later than Wednesday 2nd June, 2010.
Clearly indicate on the Envelope CTDLT/PM/5/2010
Applicants are informed that:
  • CTDLT is an equal opportunity employer.
  • CTDLT is not bound to give any reason for rejecting any application.
  • Any form of canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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