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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chief Executive Officer - Insurance Company Job in Tanzania

Job Ref. MN 4378
Our client, is an insurance company operating in Tanzania. They wish to recruit a dynamic CEO to head the Company.
Job Profile

  • Reviewing and driving implementation of the company’s strategies, annual business plans and operational budgets so as to achieve both its long term and short term objectives.
  • Managing the day to day operations of the company and overseeing legal, regulatory, and statutory requirements.
  • Reviewing and implementing appropriate policies and procudures in insurance, finance, marketing and operations.
  • Guiding management and advising the Board on opportunities for investment and business growth.
  • Developing and implementing comprehensive and appropriate risk mitigation programs and policies.
  • Managing and motivating all staff to peak performance.
Personal Profile
  • Applicants should be a holder of Associate Chartered Insurance (AC II), a Degree or Advanced Diploma in insurance from a recognized institution or any other recognized equivalent professional insurance qualification with at least 8  years post qualification experience in the insurance industry, five years of which should have been in a managerial or executive or similar position.
  • Perform under pressure and heavy workloads, and meet stringent reporting deadlines.
  • Effective communication.
  • A dynamic results oriented, strategic thinker with service and quality focus, and cross functional team player.
  • Energetic, tenacious, and enthusiastic.
Send your application with a detailed CV with a daytime telephone contact and copies of certificates.
Please also summarize yourself as follows:
  • Job Ref. No.
  • Your Name
  • Current/Past Salary – Year 2009 pm, year 2010 pm
  • Year 2010 Benefits – If house, state market rent, if car state cc
Send your application by hand, courier, post or email so as to reach us by 8th June 2010. Limit email to maximum 3 pages A4 size CV and no attachments. Mark Job Ref. No. on top left of the envelope.
Send to:
Executive Selections Division,
Manpower Services (K) Ltd,
3rd Floor, Landmark Plaza,
Directly Opposite Nairobi Hospital Entrance,
P.O. Box 50736-00200, Nairobi.
Email: recruit @

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Chief Executive Officer

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