The Humanitarian Leadership Development Programme is a unique opportunity to gain hands on experience in international humanitarian programmes.
This one year scheme is designed to enable participants to develop the necessary skills in order to launch a career in programme management in emergencies with one of the 15 agencies within the Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies (CBHA) or another leading international agency in the Humanitarian Sector.
How does it work?
As a trainee, you will undertake two 6 month placements with one of the 15 CBH Agencies (see list below). The first placement is a training placement where you will be based at an agency’s HQ where you will get on the job training in various aspects of emergency operations programmes as well as completing 2 separate field based training exercises.
The second placement is a deployment placement where you will be based in one of the agencies’ field programmes in either an emergency or post emergency context, often in challenging and insecure environments. You will train with humanitarian professionals who will act as your coaches to facilitate the development of the skills required for programme management work in emergencies.
Who are we looking for?
We are looking for talented people committed to long-term service in the humanitarian sector, who can demonstrate outstanding people skills and the motivation to develop humanitarian leadership skills. We are looking to recruit nationals from Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Somalia and Uganda.
How do you apply?
The closing date for applications is Sunday 27th June 2010 at midnight London time.
The Humanitarian Leadership Development Programme Trainee Scheme is managed by Save the Children UK on behalf of the Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies. The 15 agencies in the CBHA are: ActionAid, Action against Hunger, CARE International, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide UK, HelpAge International, International Rescue Committee, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Merlin, Oxfam GB, Plan International UK, Save the Children UK, Tearfund and World Vision UK
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