Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, has initiated C V Raman International Fellowship for African Researchers under new Science & Technology initiative to promote scientific cooperation with Africa . This prestigious fellowship is aimed at further strengthening the bond between Indian and African nations through Science & Technology collaboration. This fellowship is a follow up action of the new Science and Technology initiative for African countries announced at the highest level during the India – Africa Forum of April 2008.
Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) is the Coordinating Partner for C V Raman International Fellowship, FICCI, on behalf of Department of Science and Technology, invites applications from African researchers for the award of C V Raman International Fellowship to conduct research in Indian laboratories/institutes in chosen frontline areas of Science & Technology.
1. Outline of the fellowship
The objective of C V Raman International Fellowship is to provide opportunity for African researchers to conduct, under the guidance of their host in India , collaborative research with leading research groups in universities and other Indian institutions in various areas of Science & Technology. The programme allows such researchers to advance their own research while contributing to the progress of research in India and counterpart countries.
2. Types and number of fellowships offered
Each African country will have 8 slots of fellowship totalling approximately 416 fellowships under this programme.
· Post Doctoral Fellowship: Duration 6 months. Maximum 2 fellowships of 6 months duration each or one fellowship thereof subject to 12 months
· Visiting Fellowship: Duration 3 months. Maximum 3 fellowships
· Senior Fellowship: Duration 1 month. Maximum 3 fellowships
3. Eligibility criteria
- Applicant should be a citizen/permanent resident of an eligible country having diplomatic relations with India
· The applicants should be actively engaged in research at a university or research institution in the African country
· Minimum academic qualifications: Post Doctoral Fellows – Ph D; Visiting Fellowship – Ph D/M.Tech or 6 to 10 years working experience; Senior Fellowship – Senior Experts/Scientists/Professors
· Indian Host Institute: The applicant has to work out a research/training plan with his/her Indian host scientist in the prescribed format. The candidate should himself/herself correspond with his/her proposed host scientist for placement. Applicant is required to produce evidence, in the form of a letter of acceptance, from the proposed host institution. The Indian host scientist, with whom the fellow intends to work, should be a scientist of repute in the proposed field of work. The host researcher must be employed full-time at a university/academic institutions recognised by the Government of India or a research institution of Government of India/State Government in India
· Candidates who have earlier availed C V Raman International Fellowship will not be eligible for this fellowship again
· The application form submitted must be in English. If the original document is in other language, kindly enclose translation.
4. Terms of award
- Round-trip air ticket in economy excursion class from the place of working in respective country to the Indian airport nearest to the Indian host Institute by shortest route and local transport by road/train between airport and the host institute in India
- Sustenance allowance: Post Doctoral Fellowship – Rs. 40,000 per month including accommodation; Visiting Fellowship – Rs. 50,000 per month including accommodation; Senior Fellowship – Rs. 50,000 per month plus accommodation (accommodation in host institute’s guest house with reasonable facilities)
- Contingency grant: Post Doctoral Fellowship – one time contingency grant of Rs. 20,000; Visiting Fellowship – one time contingency grant of Rs. 10,000; Senior Fellowship – one time contingency grant of Rs. 10000
- The C V Raman Fellows will not accept fellowship/financial assistance from any other source at the host institute during the period of fellowship.
5. Application procedure for the programme
The application for this programme is required to be submitted in the prescribed format to FICCI through appropriate national nominating authority in the respective country. Application process is as follows:
- Contact is made between an African researcher who wishes to conduct research/training in India and his/her prospective host and the placement consent from the Indian host institute is received
- African researcher submits an application to a designated nominating authority in his/her country
- Nominating authority selects the candidates and sends application of the recommended candidates to FICCI (with a copy for information to Indian Mission of the respective country).
6. Documents to be submitted
- Application form (FORM-1) filled by the candidate
- A letter of acceptance/invitation from candidate’s prospective host researcher in India , stating that he/she accepts the candidates at his/her institution during the fellowship tenure (FORM-2)
- A copy of candidate’s educational qualification from Bachelor’s degree onwards.
Application deadline: 31 July 2010. Please log on to FICCI website: for further details (application form and research institutions in India ). The information is also available on DST website:,