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Friday, May 14, 2010

University of Rome 'La Sapienza' PhD Fellowship

International master degree holders can now apply for scholarships to attend Doctoral Schools

The University of Rome 'La Sapienza' offers twenty three-year full-time postgraduate PhD positions with fellowship for attaining the degree of “Dottore di Ricerca” (PhD) in the Doctoral Schools listed in appendix. Each fellowship amounts to € 19.800,00 per year; this amount includes national insurance contributions (INPS) that fellowship recipients are required to pay (8,91% for 2010).

The fellowship doesn’t cover the annual entrance fee.

The PhD Programme lasts three years and may be extended to a fourth year (without grant), subject to approval by the School authorities. At the end of the first and second year of attendance, students have to be evaluated as proficient according to the rules of the Schools.

The deadline for submission of the application and supporting documents is May, 31 2010

Supporting documents:
* a photocopy of their identity card or passport;
* Curriculum vitae et studiorum in English;
* a copy of degree certificate and list of exams with marks;
* a declaration of advanced knowledge of English language;
* a report on any research carried out by the candidate (if any);
* a list of publications (if any);
* any further qualification and information the candidate wishes to be taken into account;
* a brief statement explaining his/her Doctoral School choice;
* a description of the candidate’s scientific interests;
* an outline of their short research project (if any).
*two letters of reference by university professors or eminent researchers/experts of equivalent status; such letters must be sent directly to the Directors of the Schools (see e-mail addresses, enclosed).

Download materials:
  1. Announcement [23KB]
  2. Doctoral Schools (Appendix1) [18KB
  3. Application Form [46KB]

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Scholarships and Fellowships

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