World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) is recruiting a Team Leader/Science Coordinator for the MDG Centre — MVP Dertu
The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) is supporting the implementation of the Milennium Vilages Project (MVP). The Millennium Villages Project employs a community-based integrated development approach to help lift rural communities out of the poverty trap that afflicts more than a billion people worldwide.
The Milennium Villages Project (MVP) is supported by Milennium Promise and the Earth Institute, non-profit organizations, whose vision is the eradication of extreme global poverty. Millennium Promise’s mission is to encourage individuals and organizations to join the fight against global poverty, disease, and hunger through an unprecedented campaign that draws on the support of all parts of society — individuals, businesses, charitable organizations, faith-based groups, governments — to ensure the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) by 2015 and the end of extreme poverty by 2025.
The MVP is also supported by The MDG Centre, East and Southern Affica. The Center focuses on policy support at the national level and provides advisory services to the MVP with an intention of scaling up MDG related activities to district and national levels.
The position
The MDG Centre is seeking a qualified candidate to fill the position of a Team Leader/Science coordinator to be based at Dertu Millenium Villages Project in Garissa, Kenya. The position is accountable to the MDG Centre Director for Eastern and Southern Africa based in Nairobi.
The role of Team Leader/Science Coordinator is to serve as the focal point for the Dertu Milennium Vilages Project and ensure that all project related program and financial management activities are in accordance with approved annual work plans, budgets and procurement plans. He/she wil also ensure that the project receives the scientific and technical support and guidance required to achieve the MDG’s at the community level.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Specifically the Team Leader/Science Coordinator wil be responsible to:-
Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above position against the listed qualifications/competencies/skills and a detailed curriculum vitae, with names and addresses of three referees (including telephone and fax numbers and email address).
Applications should indicate “Application for the Team LeaderlScience Coordinator” on their application letters OR email submissions. All correspondence should be addressed to the Human Resources Unit, World Agroforestry Centre (1CRAF), P.O. Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya OR via email:
Applications will be considered until 5th June, 2010 or until a suitable candidate is identified and selected.
Only short-listed applicants meeting the above requirements will be contacted.
We invite you to learn more about us at:
The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) is supporting the implementation of the Milennium Vilages Project (MVP). The Millennium Villages Project employs a community-based integrated development approach to help lift rural communities out of the poverty trap that afflicts more than a billion people worldwide.
The Milennium Villages Project (MVP) is supported by Milennium Promise and the Earth Institute, non-profit organizations, whose vision is the eradication of extreme global poverty. Millennium Promise’s mission is to encourage individuals and organizations to join the fight against global poverty, disease, and hunger through an unprecedented campaign that draws on the support of all parts of society — individuals, businesses, charitable organizations, faith-based groups, governments — to ensure the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) by 2015 and the end of extreme poverty by 2025.
The MVP is also supported by The MDG Centre, East and Southern Affica. The Center focuses on policy support at the national level and provides advisory services to the MVP with an intention of scaling up MDG related activities to district and national levels.
The position
The MDG Centre is seeking a qualified candidate to fill the position of a Team Leader/Science coordinator to be based at Dertu Millenium Villages Project in Garissa, Kenya. The position is accountable to the MDG Centre Director for Eastern and Southern Africa based in Nairobi.
The role of Team Leader/Science Coordinator is to serve as the focal point for the Dertu Milennium Vilages Project and ensure that all project related program and financial management activities are in accordance with approved annual work plans, budgets and procurement plans. He/she wil also ensure that the project receives the scientific and technical support and guidance required to achieve the MDG’s at the community level.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Specifically the Team Leader/Science Coordinator wil be responsible to:-
- Provide strategic oversight and direction in the development and completion of annual work plans, budgets, procurement plans, monthly and quarterly program and financial reports for submission to the MDG centre for review and approval. Team Leader/Science Coordinator has the final approval authority on work plans, budgets, and other documentation.
- Manage financial, human and other resources of Dertu MVP through supervision and guiding the staff deployed in these positions.
- He/she will approve project expenses and submit them to the MDG centre for approval and further processing.
- Provide technical support to program design to ensure adherence to Millennium Vilages model.
- He/she will secure and communicate responses to technical questions that affect intervention design across all sectors.
- Oversee baseline, mid-term and final assessment surveys, measurements and monitoring including the hiring of field teams and coordination with the scientists responsible for the various surveys and the leader of the impact assessment team.
- Facilitate the research, outreach and training activities of the Millennium Villages Project, Columbia University and other scientists involved in the main components of the project (Agriculture/Environment, Health, Energy/Transport, Water/Sanitation, Education/Gender, and Communications ITraining). In addition he/she will mentor students from local Universities, Columbia University and other partner universities.
- Represent Dertu MVP on matters at the local level in the country, including liaising with partner institutions, the community groups; government officials at the local and district, provincial and national levels: local NGO’s, and universities.
- Serve as the focal point person for reporting and communication to MDG Centre, Millennium Promise and Earth Institute in New York.
- Interact with members of the press and other visitors to assure that messages of the Dertu MVP are clearly represented.
- Work with the Sector Managers and Regional Operations Manager at MDG Centre on technical and operational issues respectively, to ensure that lessons learnt from MVP inform the design of the national MDG-based development strategy.
- emonstrated ability to successfully conduct research and manage projects in remote rural location with minimum supervision.
- Must have quality research and data management experience.
- Excellent writing, interpersonal, computer and communication skills.
- Must be able to function independently and to exercise discretion and judgment in sensitive and potentially controversial matters.
- Must have excellent organizational skdls, be a team player and detail-oriented.
- PhD degree or equivalent in tropical agriculture, nutrition, health, natural resource management or a related field, with at least 3 years of postgraduate research and outreach experience in village situations.
- Demonstrated ability to raise funds for project activities
- Significant experience working with development agencies and local government leaders on economic development activities with excellent understanding of sustainable development.
Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above position against the listed qualifications/competencies/skills and a detailed curriculum vitae, with names and addresses of three referees (including telephone and fax numbers and email address).
Applications should indicate “Application for the Team LeaderlScience Coordinator” on their application letters OR email submissions. All correspondence should be addressed to the Human Resources Unit, World Agroforestry Centre (1CRAF), P.O. Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya OR via email:
Applications will be considered until 5th June, 2010 or until a suitable candidate is identified and selected.
Only short-listed applicants meeting the above requirements will be contacted.
We invite you to learn more about us at: