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Monday, May 10, 2010

Save the Children UK Vacancies

  1. Area Coordinator – Wajir South
  2. Programme Manager (Health & Nutrition)  based in North Eastern (base to be confirmed)
  3. Nutrition Coordinator  based in Mandera, Takaba
  4. Nutrition Officer based in Takaba

Save the Children UK is a leading international child rights organization, fighting to improve the lives of children in the UK and 50 countries around the world. Together with children, we are helping to build a better world for present and future generations by making a reality of children’s rights.
Save the Children UK in Kenya works in the North Eastern Province (Dadaab, Wajir and Mandera) with Programmes in Child Protection, Nutrition, Livelihoods and Health.
We are seeking a qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
1. Area Coordinator – Wajir South
Job Purpose
The Area Coordinator will manage the efficient and proactive operation of the Save the Children UK Habaswein sub-office.  The Coordinator will support Save the Children UK field teams in achieving their workplans in an efficient and timely manner.  As directed by the Area Manager in Wajir the post-holder will represent Save the Children UK in the sub-district with local officials and other stakeholders.
Key accountabilities:
  • Directly lead, manage and motivate the Finance Asst/Officer; Logs Asst/Officer; Programme co-ordinators (currently Nutrition and Health) plus other programme staff located in the Habeswein office.  Ensure they have clear workplans and objectives and receive regular supervision and reviews.  Workplans for programme staff will need to be developed jointly with the relevant technical project manager.
  • Lead and motivate the wider team in the Sub-office. Promote a team approach to management through regular team meetings to review and improve integration and quality support and service provision.
  • Supervise HR/Admin activities in the sub office.
  • Represent Save the Children locally in Habeswein ensuring good relations and are fostered and maintained with local communities, government authorities and other stakeholders.  Attend monthly DSG and / or other equivalent meetings as required.
  • Maintain appropriate systems to ensure communication protocols are followed by field teams and with other Save the Children UK offices. Report any breakdown in communications and seek the appropriate support from logistics and other managers to rectify problems.
  • As required, facilitate field visits to the area office area by other staff members, Save the Children UK donor representatives and other guests e.g. consultants, journalists.
  • Ensure the proper handling and maintenance of all Save the Children UK assets of the sub-area office and ascertain the proper location of these assets.
  • Ensure strict adherence to current security management procedures and monitor the security situations in the area covered by the office.  Liaise frequently with other security focal persons to monitor incidences and changing circumstances and report these to AOM and Safety and Security Manager.
  • Ensure the effective and efficient use of all Save the Children UK resources in order to keep costs low and ensure the security of staff.  Undertake regular spot-checks and monitoring of expenses claims and other costs incurred locally.
Person Specification:

  • Diploma in Management, public/ business Administration, Personnel Administration, Logistics or other related fields with appropriate experiences
  • Substantial experience working in management/administration.
  • Proven experience in successful team management.
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Excellent written and spoken English and Swahili
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office package
  • Experience in working with NGOs/UN sector in similar management field
2. Programme Manager (Health & Nutrition) based in North Eastern (base to be confirmed)
Job Purpose
To ensure SCUK’s combined health and nutrition programme in [Wajir/Mandera) are successfully implemented in line with approved donor agreements, budget and SC strategic objectives.  To ensure all nutrition and health programming is of a consistently high quality and appropriate monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are in place to monitor the impact of SC work for children.
Key accountabilities:
  • Develop and regularly update a detailed implementation plan guiding all health and nutrition programme implementation and ensure this is used by the whole project team to monitor project progress towards completion.
  • Prepare narrative and financial reports for donor(s) and SCUK as required, ensuring these are of a high quality and submitted to the Area Manager for review in a timely manner.
  • Put systems in place to ensure information required to monitor progress and impact indicators is collected, compiled and analysed appropriately.  Ensure all SC monthly and donor monitoring requirements are complied with.
  • As a sub-budget holder for various grants, be fully aware of the grant compliance regulations of the donors relevant to your project. The postholder will work with the Area Manager to review and revise budgets; authorising and monitoring expenditure in line with the budget and donor guidelines, SCUK grant management and financial guidelines.
  • To have overall management responsibility for the nutrition and health team.  Lead and motivate the team to ensure effective project implementation.
  • Regularly undertake liaison and advocacy with Government partners and officials in the district on project activities and related health/nutrition issues.  Facilitate visits to field sites for donor representatives and other external visitors as required.
Person specification:

  • BA / BSc Degree in management or relevant technical area
  • At least 3 years relevant project management experience in an international NGO or similar organisation.
  • Several years progressively responsible project and personnel management experience
  • Good technical knowledge of policy and practice in the field of health and/or nutrition
  • A good understanding of development issues and the policy context in the Pastoral areas and Kenya generally.
  • Proven analytical and strategic planning skills
  • Experience in monitoring budgets
  • Masters or higher level qualification in relevant technical specialism
  • Knowledge of the area and region where the post is located
3. Nutrition Coordinator based in Mandera, Takaba.
Job Purpose
To manage the Community-based Therapeutic Care programme and nutrition and to ensure all components of the programme are functioning properly, providing care of quality to all the patients/beneficiaries through respecting protocols and principles of good practice.
Key Responsibilities:
  • Overall responsibility for the day to day management of project site activities and staff (OTPs, SFCs, outreach staff and volunteers)
  • Provide technical guidance to support MoH in provision of inpatient therapeutic care, SCUK staff in implementation of OTP/SFP and Community Mobiliser and outreach staff/volunteers at project sites/local communities
  • Ensure all staff understand and implement programme protocols used in the treatment of the acutely malnourished
  • Ensure appropriate and consistent health and nutrition education messaging to mothers and other carers at OTP/SFP sites and in the community
  • Conduct trainings to build the capacity of staff/volunteers, MoH staff and the community at large in identification and management of the malnourished and in prevention of malnutrition
  • Facilitate systematic/correct supplies requests, distribution plans, consumption reporting from the nutrition programme to the logistics department
  • Participate in nutritional assessment planning, implementation, analysis, interpretation and reporting, as required by the Emergencies Nutrition Adviser
  • Liaise with other implementing partners and local authorities to maximize collaboration and ensure proper coordination of activities
Person Specification:

  • University Degree in Health/Public Health/Nutrition or equivalent
  • At least three (3) years experience of emergency nutrition work and the design and implementation of feeding programmes (ideally CTC), including monitoring and evaluation
  • Experience in conducting nutrition assessments and an understanding of nutritional surveillance and information systems
  • Proven capacity to supervise, train and coach staff
  • Demonstrable ability at report writing and excellent communication skills
  • Qualified nurse with primary health care/community health care experience
4. Nutrition Officer based in Takaba.
Job Purpose
The position is responsible for implementing better nutrition among communities through nutrition education, surveillance and strengthening capacity of MoH in the management of acute malnutrition.
Key Responsibilities:
  • The nutrition officer will participate in the development of training curriculum and tools and facilitate/co-facilitate all nutrition education trainings
  • Liaise with relevant ministries and partner agencies in selecting participants for trainings while ensuring that priority is given to the staff working in the key agreed areas
  • Maintain a data base of the trained and active nutrition educators in the community
  • Participate in the design, development and implementation of an M&E framework for all nutrition related activities.
  • Write reports to document the process of implementation, lessons learnt and good practice and ensure information is widely disseminated
  • Prepare monthly activity reports as well as quarterly donor reports. .
  • At program level supervise the quality of surveillance, support to MoH and nutrition education promotion and counselling by the trained nutrition workers and community health workers.
  • Mentor the nutrition workers to ensure that they support and supervise the community health workers in their areas of coverage as required
  • Ensure regular meetings with the nutrition and community health workers
  • Document and share lessons learnt in a comprehensive and detailed manner to enable track trends on changes on a timely basis
  • Development of nutrition education training and counselling materials
  • Network and coordinate with the relevant sectors and agencies in implementing nutrition activities at national and community level
  • Coordinate and carry out community based nutritional promotional activities targeting community groups. Activities to include are: School nutrition clubs, community outreach, and facility based nutrition education focusing on IYCF, growth monitoring and maternal nutrition, dissemination of IEC materials.
  • Work with nutrition workers to develop and maintain a referral system at community level in which community health workers refer malnourished children and mothers needing special attention to the health facilities.
Person Specification:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Public Health, Food & Nutrition or equivalent
  • At least two (2) years work experience in community nutrition work and implementation of nutrition education programmes, including monitoring and evaluation
  • Understanding of community management of acute malnutrition
  • Experience in KAP assessments and formative research; and understanding of nutritional surveillance and information systems.
  • Proven capacity to supervise, train and coach local staff and community workers.
  • Strong research and data analysis skills
  • Strong report writing and computer skills
  • Fluent in written and spoken English, Kiswahili and local languages
  • Qualified nutritionist with nutrition education/IYCF experience
If you meet the above requirements, please send your detailed CV together with a cover letter and current contacts of three referees addressed to the Head of Human Resources, Save the Children UK, Kenya Programme not later than 16th May 2010. Quote the job title on the subject line.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Save the Children (UK) recruitment and selection procedures reflect our commitment to equal employment opportunities and the protection of children from abuse.

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