International Centre for AIDS Care and Treatment Programs (ICAP) - Kenya of Columbia University is working with NASCOP to strengthen HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment services at provincial, district and health centre. This program is part of a US Government initiative against HIV in Kenya that receives funding from PEPFAR through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Applications are invited for the position of Provider-Initiated Testing and Counseling (PITC) Officer.
Overall Job Purpose: To strengthen the implementation of HIV counseling and testing activities in ICAP-supported facilities in Central Province in collaboration with hospital management teams at the facilities. The PITC Officer will report to the HIV Testing and Counseling Coordinator.
Key Responsibilities:- To oversee the planning and implementation of Provider-initiated HIV Testing and Counseling at selected ICAP-supported facilities
- To ensure the Provider-initiated HIV Testing and Counseling is offered at all service points (inpatient, outpatient and clinics) at selected facilities.
- To provide training, on-going mentorship and supervision of Provider-initiated HIV Testing and Counseling to the health care workers at the selected facilities.
- To improve linkages between HIV Testing and Counseling points and the HIV clinics (CCC) for appropriate referral of patients, at selected facilities.
- To oversee the planning and implementation of HIV counseling and testing for families of people attending HIV clinics (Family HTC) at selected ICAP supported facilities.
- Improve documentation and reporting of HIV counselling and testing activities at facility level for program evaluation and planning.
Minimum Qualifications:
- Diploma in Nursing
- Certificate in PITC, HIV Testing and Counselling or equivalent
- Experience in HIV Counselling and Testing at MOH-facility level
Applications including a current CV, telephone number and at least three referees should be sent to:
The Human Resources Manager
ICAP Kenya
P. O. Box 29840 00202,
Nairobi, or to before May 21st 2010. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.