- Health & Nutrition Officer (2)
- Outreach/SC Nurse (9)
- Health Information Systems (HIS) Officer (Data Management – 1 Post)
- HR/Admin Officer
Merlin Kenya programme is responding to the health situation in Turkana with integrated primary health, nutrition, sanitation and hygiene interventions targeting children, pregnant & lactating women and the general community. We are currently seeking to recruit qualified Kenyans for the following positions to support the MOPHS/MOMS, other partners and the community to deliver effective, integrated and comprehensive primary health care programmes for the vulnerable drought affected populations in Turkana.
Health & Nutrition Officer
(2 Posts based in Lodwar)
The Health & Nutrition Officer will work under the supervision of the Assistant Health Coordinator/Senior Health & Nutrition Officer and in close collaboration with the MOPHS authorities and staff at district and community level. The overall objective of the position is to develop, implement, monitor and report on all PHC and nutrition technical aspects of Merlin’s projects in assigned areas of Turkana.
S/he will ensure that field staff and partners adhere to technical and standard protocols in nutrition. S/he will train and mentor staff as well as participate in health and nutrition assessments, surveys and proposal design processes. S/he will be responsible for SFP/OTP activity reporting from field sites to district stakeholders and Merlin management.
Person specification
- A Degree or Diploma in Nutrition or related health field from a recognised institution
- 2 Years experience in nutrition work especially in a humanitarian organisation
- Knowledge and experience in nutrition programme assessment, design, implementation and monitoring/evaluation.
- Awareness of International and national nutritional standards and guidelines
- Good teamwork and communication skills
- Ability to write clear, interesting and concise reports
(9 positions)
The Nurse work with and provide on-job mentoring and support to the MOPHS/MOMS facility and hospital staff on primary health and nutrition. S/he will receive direct technical support from the Merlin Health and Nutrition Officer.
S/he will be responsible for general health care delivery activities at the facility including undertaking systematic nutrition screening, micronutrient supplementation, de-worming, immunisation and referral for other medical services of all under five children, pregnant and lactating mothers and general community in assigned operational area.
The Nurse will ensure monthly growth monitoring of all clients as well as providing health and nutrition counselling and education to mothers and care takers at health facility and community outreach sites in areas of operation.
Person specification
- Diploma or Certificate in nursing and community health (KRCHN/ECN)
- Experience in delivering integrated PHC and nutrition services at facility and community level
- Excellent communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills
The HIS Officer will have responsibility for collection, collation, compilation, analysis, maintaining and dissemination of data on primary health care including nutrition, EPI, WASH, safe motherhood and reproductive health other project related areas.
S/he will assist the M&E Officer in establishing and strengthening a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system to measure programme progress and impact and establish effective lesson learning and beneficiary accountability mechanisms in the project area.
S/he will be expected to, among other roles, to:
- Manage data throughout project lifecycle from start to end as directed by project management
- Ensure the database in Merlin M&E department and MoH are functional and in use
- Ensure MoH data tools (registers, forms etc) are correctly utilised, kept and updated within Merlin project areas including health facilities and communities
- Analysis of collected data, make necessary visual presentation and give feedback to each service delivery point
- Establish contacts with other agencies and information officers within government departments and external agencies
- Develop protocol for sharing data and ensuring the organization activities meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act.
- Assist the M&E Officer and programme staff with the preparation and presentation of data for internal and donor reports in a timely manner
- Should posses relevant qualifications in Applied Epidemiology, Health Information Systems (Medical statistics), Information Management or equivalent
- Experience of over 2 years in health information systems support in an NGO
- Knowledge of Access, EPI info, SPSS or similar data analysis programmes
- Professional initiative, commitment and motivation
(1 Position based in Lodwar)
The post holder will report to the Finance and Administration Manager and be responsible for effective implementation of Merlin human resources and administration policies and procedures in close liaison with the HR Manager.
S/he will assist management to recruit, retain, develop and motivate an effective staff team as well as ensure proper functioning of the administrative support functions of the Turkana programme.
Person Specification
- A Bachelors degree, Diploma or equivalent qualification in Human Resources Management, Public Administration or Social Sciences
- Three (3) years experience in managing HR and administration functions
- Very well developed communication and problem solving skills
- Knowledge and understanding of national and International Labour laws
- Experience of working with humanitarian assistance organisations
How to Apply:
Please send a covering letter and your resume with all supporting documentation, as well as names and contacts of at least two referees, who can be contacted. The selected persons will be expected to commence work immediately.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Please deliver your applications physically or by e-mail not later than 5pm of h May, 2010
Attn. Programme Coordinator, Turkana, Hospital Road, P.O Box 93, Lodwar
Email: Kenya.turkana.pc@merlin-eastafrica.org
OR Human Resource Manager, Merlin Kenya, Owashika Road, Lovington, P.O Box 3350-00200 Nairobi