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Friday, May 7, 2010

Consultancy for Final Evaluation of RELIVE Project ECHO Funded Kenya

VSF-S seeks to invite bids for Consultancy Services for the below outlined project in Kenya of the name: “Building resilience through livestock intervention and cash injection (RELIVE)
Grant Agreement No: ECHO/KEN/EDF/2009/01004
VSF-Suisse is an International NGO, supporting livelihoods and improved food security for vulnerable pastoral and agro-pastoral communities through livestock related services development in the Horn of Africa (HoA) region since 1995. The initiation of peace and conflict resolution approaches in conflict prone communities is an integral part of the programming.

Introduction to the Project
RELIVE is a 10.5 (15.07.2009 – 31.05.2010) months emergency project funded by ECHO under the Food Aid Decision. The areas of implementation include Wajir, Mandera and Isiolo Districts in Eastern, and North Eastern Kenya:.
VSF Suisse carried out an emergency intervention in response to a prolonged drought with the following components:
  1. Livestock off-take program i.e. a slaughter destocking with subsequent meat distribution
  2. Animal health campaign in order to protect important breeding stock (livelihood assets).
RELIVE’s specific objective was: “To contribute to alleviating the impact of recurrent drought on the food security of vulnerable pastoralist communities”.
Expected results were as follows:
  • Increased availability of cash within the local economies
  • Key livelihood assets protected through support to private animal health care service delivery
In order to measure the achievements and impact of the intervention on livelihoods, it is planned to carry out a final evaluation of the project in the implementation areas, namely Wajir, Mandera and Isiolo Districts in Eastern and North Eastern Kenya during the completion of the project. The evaluation will assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the project activities through analysis of data collected in the field.
Objective of the Consultancy
The aims of the evaluation are to:
  • determine whether project objectives, key results and activities as set out in the proposal have actually been achieved as planned
  • assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the action.
  • assess whether crosscutting and overarching issues of particular concern to VSF-Suisse, such as participation, capacity building, gender, have been adequately addressed in the project.
  • give recommendations on improvements for scale up and/or replication.
The consultant will carry out an in-depth analysis of the following issues under the main project components:
Verify at specific Objective level:
  • Were 80% of targeted beneficiaries able to maintain their current livelihood?
Verify at Result 1 level: Increased availability of cash within local economies:
  • Is the ability to pay for essential livelihood costs maintained for a period of 4 months?
  • More? Less? Reasons?
  • A decrease in the numbers of breeding stock (sheep, goats) sold through local markets
  • 80% of local markets remained functional during the project period
Food aid & slaughter destocking in greater Wajir, Mandera, and Isiolo Districts
  • No of beneficiaries of the slaughter destocking and meat (no, gender, planned compared to targeted). Determine overlaps and make a statement on the beneficiary selection process).
  • Investigate beneficiaries’ perception of benefits (cash injection through slaughter off-take and meat distribution at household level – was it useful? Why?).
  • Assess for a representative number of beneficiary households the impact of the increased cash available (amount) and use of this additional income. Determine how long it kept the household going.
Cash injection via commercial off-take
  • Planned No of beneficiaries in commercial offtake versus actual
  • Beneficiaries’ perception of benefits and success
  • Assess the impact of the increased availability of cash in the local economy.
Verify at Result 2 level: Key livelihood assets protected through improved animal health:
  • Is the loss of breeding stock kept under 10% in the target population?
Livestock mass de-worming campaign
  • Planned No of beneficiaries in de-worming campaign versus actual
  • Beneficiaries’ perception of benefits (type of animals dewormed, objective of safeguarding mainly breeding stock achieved?)
  • Adequateness of voucher system?
The evaluation should clearly state if objectives and results of the project were achieved and how well deliverables reached the beneficiaries. Specifically the consultant shall establish the achievement of the Project in reference to the indicators defined in the logical framework.
  • The consultants will have access to all project files and information he requires for the evaluation.
  • He/she should review the available literature for the project (proposal, reports and other relevant project documents).
  • Use of participatory methodology for field data collection, analysis and reporting is mandatory.
  • Interviews with key project staff – e.g. project managers, project staff, local authorities, partner NGOs and the different categories of project beneficiaries should be carried out.
Expected Outputs
Full evaluation report covering collection, analysis and reporting on field data for each component as specified above and should have the following structure:
  • Title page
  • Executive Summary
  • List of Abbreviations/Acronyms/
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Methodology
  • Results (refer to No 2 above)
  1. Achievements
  2. Challenges in implementation
  3. Key lessons learnt
  4. Crosscutting issues e.g. gender, participation, ownership and sustainability
  • Recommendable best practice and scaling up
  • Conclusion
  • Annexes
  1. TOR
  2. . ….
  3. . …..
Work Plan
  • The evaluation will last not more than 1 calendar month including desk review, travel days, at least 20 days of field work and reporting.
  • A draft report of the assignment will be submitted within 4 days after the field work for comments by the client.
  • Final report is expected within two weeks after the end of the field work. The final report shall be presented as 2 Hard copies and 1 Soft Copy.
Budget and Responsibilities
  • VSF-Suisse will cover all costs related to travel, food and accommodation for the field period of the assignment.
  • The selected consultant will provide his/her passport and 2 passport photographs for processing flight arrangements and ensure all necessary vaccinations are done
  • The consultant shall also arrange for all the necessary social insurance covers during the assignment.
Qualifications/Necessary skills and Experience of the consultant
  • Technical background in pastoral Livelihood/Household Food Economy Analysis
  • Project Cycle Management Experience (understanding of logical frameworks)
  • Experience in evaluation of Humanitarian Aid.
  • Thorough Knowledge of Project Evaluation tools & proven analytical skills.
  • 5 years working in Humanitarian Projects desirable.
  • Good Command of the English language and good report writing skills.
  • Good Knowledge of North Eastern Kenya and the Pastoral lifestyle in general
Application Guidelines: Interested & qualified professionals / institutions may submit bids.
Applications should include a technical and financial proposal including the following:
  • Methodology & work plan for the assignment,
  • Costing details,
  • Profile/CV of consultant(s),
  • Recommendation letters if available
Deadline for submission is the 21st May 2010.
Please note that the client is not bound to accept any of the proposals submitted.
Only short listed consultants shall be contacted.
VSF Suisse Regional Office Nairobi – Ole Kejuado Road, Kileleshwa
P. O. Box 25656-00603
Nairobi, Kenya
E mail:,

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