The Lake Victoria Basin Commission is an apex institution of the East African Community with headquarters in Kisumu, Kenya.
The broad functions of the Commission are to promote, facilitate and coordinate activities of different actors towards sustainable development and poverty eradication within the Lake Victoria Basin.
The Mt. Elgon Regional Ecosystem Conservation Programme (MERECP) is one of the programmes managed and coordinated by the Lake Victoria Basin Commission.
It was developed in response to the need for a regional approach to manage Mt Elgon as a transboundary ecosystem.
It supports the governments of the Republics of Kenya and Uganda to conserve biodiversity in and outside protected areas and promotes transboundary cooperation and collaboration protected area institutions in the two EAC Partner States.
MERECP at national level is being coordinated by Ministry of Water and Environment (MoWE) in Uganda and Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources (MEMR), Kenya.
The Commission has received funding from the Government of Norway for implementation of the re-designed MERECP.
Part of this funding is intended finance the development of:
The broad functions of the Commission are to promote, facilitate and coordinate activities of different actors towards sustainable development and poverty eradication within the Lake Victoria Basin.
The Mt. Elgon Regional Ecosystem Conservation Programme (MERECP) is one of the programmes managed and coordinated by the Lake Victoria Basin Commission.
It was developed in response to the need for a regional approach to manage Mt Elgon as a transboundary ecosystem.
It supports the governments of the Republics of Kenya and Uganda to conserve biodiversity in and outside protected areas and promotes transboundary cooperation and collaboration protected area institutions in the two EAC Partner States.
MERECP at national level is being coordinated by Ministry of Water and Environment (MoWE) in Uganda and Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources (MEMR), Kenya.
The Commission has received funding from the Government of Norway for implementation of the re-designed MERECP.
Part of this funding is intended finance the development of:
- Climate change/REDD strategy for Mount Elgon;
- Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Management strategy for the Mt. Elgon Ecosystem; and
- A Joint Transboundary Management Plan for Mt. Elgon Ecosystem
Interested parties should obtain further information from the following website: or
Bid(s), clearly marked "technical/financial proposal for"..." to Lake Victoria Basin Commission Secretariat in a sealed envelope or by registered post to:
The Executive Secretary
Lake Victoria Basin Commission,
P.O. Box1510-40100
Kisumu, Kenya
So as to reach him on or before 16.00hrs on Monday 15thh March 2010.
Telegraphic, telex, telefax, email submissions will NOT be accepted.
Lake Victoria Basin Commission shall not be bound by application