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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kenyan Civil Society Strengthening Program (KCSSP) Consultancy to Conduct End of Project Evaluation

Pact inc,. through the USAID funded Kenyan Civil Society Strengthening Program (KCSSP) has supported various civil society organizations in implementing programs within the natural resource sector, democracy and governance and peace building, since the year 2007.
Within this program, Pact supported a 27-month conservation project entitled “Increasing local communities’ economic benefits through sustainable natural resources management” targeting four sites: Kakamega Forest, Dunga Swamp, Mt Kenya Forest and Kinangop Grassland.
The project was implemented by Nature Kenya from October 2007 up to December 2009.
Pact Inc. wishes to carry out an end term evaluation of this project to determine its impact on beneficiaries and targeted ecosytems, as well as determine the extent to which the objectives have been met against specific indicators and targets. The proposed evaluation is anticipated to commence, latest, by July 7th 2010, with a time budget of fourteen (14) person-days.
For more information and a detailed Terms of Reference (ToRs) for this evaluation, please visit
The Evaluator(s) shall possess the following qualifications:
  • At least a Master’s degree or higher, preferably in Natural Sciences.
  • Prior experience in evaluation of integrated conservation and enterprise projects.
  • Must have facilitative skills.
Qualified firms and consultants should send in a concise summary CV of the lead evaluator and not more than a 5 -page proposal interpreting these ToRs and explaining the approach the consultant will use in delivering the assignment, the timeline and a fees quotation.
The application should be sent electronically to by 30th June 2010.
The bidding is a competitive process and only eligible applicants will be selected based on technical and financial proposals.

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