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Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Judiciary Republic of Kenya Jobs

Our Mission “To Provide an independent, accessible, responsive forum for the just resolution of disputes in order to preserve the rule of law and to protect all rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution of Kenya”.

Vacancies Ref: EST. 32

The Judicial Service Commission wishes to fill the following positions in various departments in the Judiciary Central Planning and Project Monitoring Unit

Position: Senior Economist II/Senior Statistician II (2 Posts)
Terms of Service : Permanent and Pensionable
Salary Scale : PLS 11: Kshs.35,275x1100 - 36,375x1287 - 37,662x1486 -
39,148x1687 - 40,835x2042 - 42,877 per month

Station: Nairobi

Requirements for Appointment

For appointment to this post, an applicant must be in possession of the following minimum qualifications:
  • Served in the grade of Economist I/ Statistician I for at least three (3) years;
  • Demonstrated professional competence, ability, and initiative in work performance;
  • A Masters of Arts (MA), Masters of Science (MSc.) or Master of Philosophy (Mphil) Degree in Economics; and
  • Proficiency in computer applications.
Duties and Responsibilities
  • Work at this level will involve carrying out more specialized and complex planning/statistical activities.
Specific duties and responsibilities will entail:
  • providing planning data;
  • economic analysis;
  • formulation of development strategies;
  • identification, preparation and evaluation of development projects and programmes and monitoring of implementation;
  • conducting feasibility studies, determining project viability and setting project priorities;
  • collection, collation and analysis of data relating to cases, revenue collection and expenditure trends;
  • computerisation and analysis of data;
  • writing and submitting reports on specific assignments; and
  • control and supervision of technical and other staff working under him/her.
In the statistical field, duties will involve management of an area of statistical activity; drawing up survey questionnaires and setting up control procedures for receiving returns and taking the necessary action; collection, collation, computerization and analysis of data; writing and submitting reports on specific assignments; and direction and supervision of technical and other supporting staff.

Finance Department

Position: Senior Finance Officer (1 Post)
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable
Salary Scale: PLS 11: Kshs.35,275x1100 - 36,375x1287 - 37,662x1486 - 39,148x1687 - 40,835x2042 - 42,877 per month
Station: Nairobi

Requirements for Appointment

For appointment to this post, an applicant must be in possession of the following minimum qualifications:
  • Served in the grade of Finance Officer I or in a comparable and relevant position in either the public or private sector for a minimum period of three (3) years;
  • Demonstrated professional competence in either Financial Management, Accounting or Economics;
  • Have a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics or a Bachelor of Commerce Degree (Accounting or Business Administration with Finance Options); OR Certified Public Accounting III (CPA III) qualifications;
  • Have at least a three (3) months post graduate qualification in Financial Management; and
  • Be proficient in computer applications.
Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level entail:
  • Preparation of station Budgets for the recurrent and development votes;
  • Preparation of quarterly expenditure forecasts as a basis for discussions with the Treasury for release of funds;
  • Initiation of proposals seeking funds for additional expenditure and reallocation of voted funds during the year; and
  • Monitoring of expenditure and projects including programme implementation on a periodic basis and ensuring that timely corrective action is taken.
Public Communications Department

Position: Chief Public Communications Officer (1 Post)
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable
Salary Scale: PLS 11: Kshs.35,275x1100 - 36,375x1287 - 37,662x1486 - 39,148x1687 - 40,835x2042 - 42,877 per month

Station: Nairobi

Requirements for Appointment

For appointment to this post, an applicant must be in possession of the following minimum qualifications:
  • Served in the grade of Senior Public Communications Officer or in a comparable and relevant position for a minimum period of three (3) years;
  • A clear understanding of the working of the media and the socio-political environment in Kenya;
  • A Bachelors Degree in Mass Communication, Communication Studies, Journalism, Public Relations or any other approved equivalent qualification from a recognized institution; OR A Bachelor Degree in General Social Sciences and a post graduate Diploma in Mass Communication, Communication Studies, Public Relations, Journalism, International Relations or equivalent qualifications from a recognized university/institution.
  • Good oral and written communication skills in both English and Kiswahili;
  • Advanced computer application skills; and
  • Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.
Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will entail; gathering information on programmes and significant events and the impact on customers, and forwarding the same to the head of the Section for dissemination; assisting in the development of communications and media strategy; editing stories on various topical issues before they are released to the public and liaising with media practitioners and the public on issues of mutual concern.

In addition, the officer will be responsible for scheduling interviews with Judiciary officials; managing assigned projects/programmes; and organizing events under the guidance of the head of the Unit/Section.

ICT Department

Position: Chief Information Communication Technology Officer (1 Post)
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable
Salary Scale: PLS 11 Kshs.35,275x1100 - 36,375x1287 - 37,662x1486 -39,148x1687 - 40,835x2042 - 42,877 per month
Station: Nairobi

Requirements for Appointment

For appointment to this post, an applicant must be in possession of the following minimum qualifications:
  • Served in the grade of Senior Information Communication Technology Officer or in a comparable and relevant position for a minimum period of three (3) years;
  • A Bachelors degree in any of the following fields: Computer Science/Information Communication Technology, Electronics Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics or other ICT related disciplines with a bias in computer science from a recognized institution;
  • Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results; and
  • Demonstrated competence in ICT work.
Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will involve:
  • coordinating systems analysis, design and programme specifications;
  • ensuring timely implementation and effective maintenance of systems;
  • developing reports on ICT standards;
  • supervising overall systems documentation;
  • taking charge of ICT equipment maintenance and preparing progress reports on ICT;
  • evaluating and recommending on the suitability of ICT equipment;
  • training of ICT Hardware personnel and users;
  • designing Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN); and
  • preparing staff performance reports.
Position: Senior Information Communication Technology Officer (1 Post)
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

Salary Scale: PLS 10: Kshs.30,472x895 - 31,367x951 - 34,220x1055 - 35,275 per month

Station: Nairobi

Requirements for Appointment

For appointment to this post, an applicant must be in possession of the following minimum qualifications:
  • Served in the grade of Information Communication Technology Officer I or in a comparable and relevant position for a minimum period of three (3) years;
  • A Bachelors Degree in either Computer Science/Information Technology, Electronic Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics or any other related discipline with a bias in Information Communication Technology from a recognized institution.
  • Demonstrated professional competence, initiative/ innovativeness in ICT work.
  • Serving Information Communication Officer I who have completed 3 (three) years in the post and posses a Diploma/ Higher Diploma in Computer Science/Information Technology or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution, will also be considered.
Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will involve:
  • carrying out systems analysis, design and programme specifications in liaison with users;
  • developing, implementing and maintaining of systems;
  • ensuring adherence to established ICT standards;
  • supervising and compiling overall systems documentation;
  • advising on ICT related issues;
  • supervising installation certification, repairs and maintenance of ICT equipment and associated peripherals;
  • developing and maintaining ICT standards;
  • recommending and supervising Hardware/Software specifications for ICT equipment;
  • logging of problems;
  • drawing and scheduling preventive maintenance; and assisting in feasibility studies as assigned; and
  • supervising and guiding officers working under him/her.
Position: Information Communication Technology Officer I (2 Posts)
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable
Salary Scale: PLS 9 : Kshs.26,323x801 – 28,726x873 – 30,472 per month
Station: Various Courts

Requirements for Appointment

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must be in possession of the following minimum qualifications:
  • A degree in any of the following fields: Computer Science/Information Communication Technology or in Electronics Engineering from a recognized institution.
  • Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.
  • Serving Information Communication Technology Officer II who have completed a minimum period of three (3) years and have a Bachelors Degree in either Mathematics, Statistics, Physics or a Diploma/Higher Diploma in Computer Science/Information Communication Technology or their equivalent qualification from a recognized institution will also be considered.
Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:
  • installation and maintenance of computer systems;
  • configuration of Local Area Network and Wide Area Network;
  • developing and updating application systems;
  • carrying out systems analysis, design and programme specifications in liaison with users;
  • carrying out repairs and maintenance equipment and associated peripherals;
  • drawing up hardware specifications for ICT equipment;
  • verification, validation and certification of ICT equipment; and
  • overseeing the process of configuration of new ICT equipment.
Position: Information Communication Technology Officer II (7 Posts)
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable
Salary Scale: PLS 8: Kshs.21,304x625 - 23,179x658 - 24,495x700 - 25,895 per month
Station: Various Courts

Requirements for Appointment

For appointment to this post, a candidate must be in possession of the following minimum qualifications:
  • A Bachelors degree in any of the following fields: Mathematics, Statistics, Physics or any other related discipline with a bias in information communication technology from a recognized Institution; OR A Higher Diploma in Computer Science/Information Communication Technology or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution.
  • Shown merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results
  • Serving Information Communication Technology Officer III who have completed a minimum period of three (3) years and possess a Diploma in Computer Science/Information Communication Technology; or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution will also be considered.
Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include:
  • analyzing, designing, coding, testing, and implementing computer programs;
  • providing user support;
  • maintaining support systems and training of users;
  • repairing and maintaining of ICT equipment and associated peripherals;
  • receiving, installing and certifying ICT equipment; and
  • configuring of new ICT equipment.
Position: Information Communication Technology Officer III (8 Posts)
Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

Salary Scale: PLS 7: Kshs.16,692x480 - 17,652x511 - 19,185x552 - 20,289 per month

Station: Various Courts

Requirements for Appointment

For appointment to this post, a candidate must be in possession of the following minimum qualifications:-
  • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C (plain), with at least a C-(minus) in Mathematics and English or its approved equivalent; and
  • A Diploma in any of the following fields: Computer Science; Electronics engineering, Information Communication Technology or its equivalent from a recognized institution.
Duties and Responsibilities

Duties and responsibilities at this level will include
  • writing and testing simple computer programs according to instructions and specifications;
  • assisting in the implementation of the computer systems;
  • providing user support and training of users;
  • undertaking repairs and maintenance of ICT equipment and associated peripherals;
  • monitoring the performance of ICT equipment; and
  • reporting any faults for further action.
Interested candidates should complete forms JSC 2 in triplicate.

Those from the Public Service should complete JSC 2A in triplicate, forwarding the original through their heads of department, while the duplicate and triplicate copies should be forwarded by the applicant directly.

The completed application forms should be sent to:

The Secretary,
Judicial Service Commission,
P.O. Box 30041 - 00100,

So as to reach the addressee on or before 1st April, 2010

(Any form of canvassing or seeking serving Judiciary employees to be referees for a candidate shall result in the automatic disqualification of such candidate)

L.A. Achode (Mrs.)
Judicial Service Commission

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