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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships, Australia

The Endeavour IPRS scheme is both prestigious and highly competitive. The scholarships provide the recipient with tuition fee and health care cover for the duration of their research program. In addition, each successful Endeavour IPRS recipient will be offered an ECU International Stipend (ECUIS) to meet living costs for the same period. The ECUIS is currently worth AUD$25,000 per year (tax free). Endeavour IPRS / ECUIS applicants must have an outstanding academic record and a significant publication record. Successful applicants normally have academic qualifications that are equivalent to either an Australian Bachelor degree with First Class Honours or an Australian Master degree by research. Applications from students with lesser qualifications will not be considered.
Open for applications from July 1, 2010 until August 31, 2010.
Further Scholarship Information and Application

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Scholarships and Fellowships

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