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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Handicap International - Finance and Administration Coordinator

Handicap International is an international organisation specialised in the field of disability. Non-governmental, non-religious, non-political and non-profit-making, it works alongside people with disabilities, whatever the context, in response to humanitarian crises and the effects of extreme poverty. Handicap International implements programmes of assistance to persons and local organisations, inclusion programmes and programmes focusing on the fight against the main causes of disability. It runs projects in almost 60 countries, with the support of a network of 8 national associations (Germany, Belgium, Canada, United-States, Luxembourg, United Kingdom and Switzerland)
The organisation employs almost 3300 people worldwide, 330 of whom work in France and in its European and North American sections.
For more details on the association: 
Kenya is a country with multiple contexts and regional disparities. It enjoys a wealth of diversity but repartition of land and competition for resources have exacerbated rampant tensions within its tribal system. Kenya relies on self-empowerment of communities and the private sector (CSO and commercial firms) to provide essential services to its citizens. The government members are essentially leaders from the business community.
Kenya has enjoyed relative stability which has enabled development of private sector and many faith-based and civil society initiatives. This stability was troubled by violent ethnic clashes competing for land after the contested elections in December 2007.
Being at a central location in East Africa and a harbinger of support for political and military operations against terrorism, Kenya receives substantial aid from the international community.
Half of the population lives under poverty level. Poverty and HIV/AIDS are the top 2 challenges generally mentioned.
Somalia is a failing, if not failed, state while Somaliland is isolated from the international community. Their governments lack recognition and do not receive international aid. Somaliland is peaceful while southern and central Somalia continue experiencing major inter-clan conflicts.
Both show untapped resources, especially oil, arousing the interest of fighting parties.
Essential services are provided by INGO and UN agencies but remain largely insufficient and unsustainable. 
The position is based in Nairobi with operations ongoing in 6 different locations over 3 countries/states (Kenya, Somaliland, Puntland).
Kenya and Somalia programmes have merged since January 1st 2009, with very little preparation from both ends. Result of which is that full integration is yet to be achieved and one of the main stakes of the position holder will be to complete the integration process, given the quite different setups, and strong identities for each and every station.
Lastly, the position holder will have to pursue skills transfer and capacity strengthening to the 3 heads of department under his/her direct supervision to further promote smooth running of the support services at the programme level. 
Challenges and goals:
Strengthen the overall capacity of the support services to provide a timely and efficient response to all the programme’s needs.
1 - Administration: Set up a standardized filing and archiving system at the programme level
2 - Human resources: Update the whole set of HR policies, with a priority focus on Somaliland & Puntland ; Develop a strategic and operational framework for skills development management
3. Finance: Strengthen the HI budgeting and financial monitoring processes; Oversee the decentralization of financial management down to field level with capacity development targeting the field finance teams and budget managers.
4 – Logistics: Carry out a thorough revision of the security plan ; Pursue the consolidation of the procurement chain; Enforce the cost control function
5 - Internal control/risk management : Develop a framework for an internal audit function ;Oversee the implementation of recommendations resulting from the april-may 2010 internal audit ; Address the main 3 risk factors at the programme level (Full donor/grant compliance, Expatriate staff taxation,
VAT exemption process). 
Advanced degree in economy, finance or related domain
Minimum 5 years experience in an important INGO as administrator
Strong financial management background
Proven experience in grants management with main institutional donors (USAID, EU, UN bodies)
Significant exposure in an administrative and legal environment with proven capacity to evolve in a complex legal setup
Good interpersonal relations skills
Leadership and participatory management style
Ability to work under high pressure within a complex and constantly evolving context
Strong capacity building skills
10 years of experience
Experience in internal auditing
3 with HI with proven success
Background in HR management (Administration & Skills development)
Team management
Conflict management skills
Good communications skills (oral & written) 
Proficient level of English
French language is a plus 
Kenya has all the legal framework of a well established stated. Nairobi is the main hub in East Africa, with many INGOs operating within the country or housing regional offices with operations in the sub region.
HI mandate’s is implemented within a broad scope of interventions, from direct implementation, to partnership based activities, from Mine Action activities to activities based on PWD needs satisfaction, from HI funded projects to multi-donor financed sectors. Funding are mostly short term (1 year), which provokes a natural tension on the fundraising wing and constitutes a significant part of the finance team activities.  
Volunteer: 750 or 850 Euros monthly indemnity + living allowance paid on the field + accommodation + 100% medical cover + repatriation insurance
Salary: 2100 to 2500 Euros per month gross salary + 457 Euros expatriation allowance + 100% medical cover + repatriation insurance  « + family policy »  
Please send resume and covering letter with the reference: HBFarcKen1006 to:
HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL - 14, avenue Berthelot - 69361 LYON CEDEX 07
or by our website :
Please do not telephone
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