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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

KETRACO Consultancy Services to Procure an ERP System and associated ICT equipment

Tender No: KETRACO/ICT/05/2010
Description: Consultancy Services to Procure an ERP System and associated ICT equipment
Closing Date:
The Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited (KETRACO) is a State Corporation whose mandate is to design, construct, operate and maintain new high voltage electricity transmission lines.
Now KETRACO seeks to engage a consultant to assist in the procurement of a comprehensive, fully integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System that not only meets current requirements, but also is flexible and scalable in order to meet its future business needs.
The assignment will require the Consultant to, inter alia:-
  1. Prepare an elaboration of operational procedures of the organization;
  2. Prepare technical and functional specifications for the installation of the ERP that will provide support to the operational procedures defined within the context of paragraph (i) above;
  3. Carry out an ICT needs assessment to establish the hardware requirements to host the ERP system;
  4. Prepare technical specifications for ICT equipment requirements as defined within the context of paragraph (3) above;
  5. Prepare tender documents for the supply and installation of the ERP and ICT equipment required, as well as clarifications as may be requested for by the Bidders;
  6. Participate in the evaluation of the technical and financial proposals and prepare a report including the conclusions of the evaluation and specific recommendations on the selection of the bidder to be appointed as contractor for the supply and installation of the ERP; and
  7. Participate in the evaluation of the technical and financial proposals and prepare a report including the conclusions of the evaluation and specific recommendations on the selection of the bidder to supply the ICT equipment.
This request for Expression of Interest will lead to short-listing of eligible consulting firms who will be invited to submit bids to carry out the above assignment. The assignment is not expected to require more than 3 months and employment of consultants will be based on Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS).
The qualifications required are:
  1. At least ten (10) years of direct experience in management of corporate resources of public services utilities (electricity, water and sanitation, piped gas) in developing countries, including direct participation in the design/ customization, implementation and operation of an ERP
  2. Experience in preparation of technical and functional specifications for calls for bids for supply and installation of the ERP
  3. Experience in procurement of goods & works under the procedures set out by the Kenyan Public Procurement Oversight Authority (PPOA)
  4. Fluent in English
Consultants interested in providing the services must submit to KETRACO their expressions of interest including all
the documents (CVs and others) showing that they meet the qualifications required to perform the assignment.
Interested consultants may obtain further information from the office of the Head of ICT situated on 2nd floor,
Caparo Place, Chyulu road, Upper Hill, Nairobi on working days between 0900 and 1630 hours, E-mail address:
The Expression of Interest, which should include the company profile with the necessary registration and tax
compliance certificates, should be addressed and delivered to:-
Company Secretary
Kenya Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd.
2nd floor, Caparo Place, Chyulu Rd, Upper Hill
P. O. Box 34942
Nairobi – 00100 Kenya
Tel: 254-20-4956000
Cell: 254-719018000, 254-732128000
so as to be received by 15th July, 2010 at 10.00am
These will be opened at Caparo Place at 10.30am in the presence of consultants or their representatives who choose to attend.

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