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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

University of Nairobi (UON) Jobs

  1. Senior Lecturer – Department of Physics
  2. Senior Lecturer – Department of Geology
  3. Lecturer – Department of Pharmaceutics & Pharmacy Practice
  4. Lecturer – Department of Sociology & Social Work
  5. Senior Laboratory Technologist – 2 Posts
  6. Senior Technologist – 3 Posts
  7. Clinical Officer Paediatrics, (OPH Project)
  8. Administrator/Office Assistant – IEARD Grant
  9. Administrative Assistant – UNITID (Ganjoni Project Mombasa) – 2 Posts
  10. Clinical Research Assistant (UNITID/Ganjoni Project Mombasa)
  11. Assistant Secretary
  12. Peer Leader/Cleaner
Applicants are invited for the following positions:
Senior Lecturer
Department of Physics
AC/06/73/10 (R&T)
(1 Post)
Applicants must be holders of a PhD degree in Physics. They must have at least five (5) years teaching experience at both undergraduate ant postgraduate degree levels three (3) of which should be at lecturer level. They must have supervised at least three (3) masters students to completion. They should also have research experience as evidenced by at least four (4) publications in refereed journals or two (2) publications and two (2) chapters in scholarly books since the last promotion.
They must be specialized in any of the following areas: Solid State Physics, Nuclear Physics, Geophysics, Radiation Physics, Paleomagnetism, Ionospheric Physics, Nuclear Physics, High Energy Physics, Space Physics, Particle Physics, Plasma Physics, Biophysics and Electronics.
Senior Lecturer
Department of Geology
AC/06/74/10 (R&T)
(1 Post)
Applicants should be in possession of a first degree in Geology and a PhD degree in Geology with specializations in Structural Geology, Rock Mechanics and Metamorphic Petrology from a recognized University. They must have at least five (5) years teaching experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate degree levels three (3) of which should be at lecturer level.
They must have supervised at least three (3) masters students to completion. They should also have research experience as evidenced by at least four (4) publications in refereed journals or two (2) publications and two (2) chapters in scholarly books since the last promotion. They should have experience in University Teaching, Postgraduate Supervision and Research for at least three (3) years since the attainment of the PhD degree.
Demonstration of strong skills in GIS and Remote Sensing applications to the specialization areas will be an added advantage.
The successful applicant will be required to teach both undergraduate and postgraduate students, supervise postgraduate students and conduct research in his/her area of specialization. The applicant will also be required to develop the subject areas of specialization to levels commensurable with international standards.
Department of Pharmaceutics & Pharmacy Practice
AC/06/75/10 (CHS)
(1 Post)
Applicants should be in possession of a PhD Degree in Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology or other Pharmaceutics related postgraduate courses from a recognized University. Applicants with any of the above areas with at least three (3) years teaching experience at University level and a minimum of two (2) publications in refereed journals or two (2) chapters in scholarly books will be considered. They should be able to provide evidence of  continuing research.
Department of Sociology & Social Work
AC/06/76/10 (CHSS)
(1 Post)
The applicant should be a holder of a PhD. Degree in Sociology and Master of Arts degree in Sociology or Social Work from a recognized University. Applicants with any of the above areas with at least three (3) years teaching experience at University level and a minimum of two (2) publications in refereed journals or two (2) chapters in scholarly books will be considered. They should be able to provide evidence of continuing research.
The successful candidate will be expected to teach both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, supervise research of undergraduate and postgraduate students and initiate and conduct research in their areas of specialization.
Senior Laboratory Technologist
Grade DEF
University of Nairobi Institute of Tropical and Infectious Diseases (UNITID)
AD/06/91/10 (CHS)
(2 Posts)
Applicants should be holders of a Bsc. in Medical Laboratory Technology (Microbiology/Immunology/Molecular Biology) or Higher National Diploma or equivalent. They should have a minimum of five (5) years working as a Laboratory Technologist. They must also have the knowledge and expertise in RNA-PCR (viral load), PCR, Flow Cytometry, Hematology, HIV ELISA, Cell Separation and Protein Chemistry.
The successful candidates will be expected to work in a Level 3-Biosafety Containment Laboratory.
Senior Technologist
Grade DEF
Department of Environmental and Biosystems Engineering
School of Engineering
AD/06/92/10 (CAE)
(3 Posts)
Applicants should have B.Sc. or Higher Diploma or equivalent in Environmental and Biosystems Engineering plus five (5) years experience as Technologist Grade ABC at University level. Applicants with hands-on experience in computer applications and/or instrumentation will have an added advantage.
The successful candidates will be expected to assist in organizing and conducting practicles for undergraduate and postgraduate classes, maintaining research equipments and participating in research activities within the department.
Clinical Officer Paediatrics, (OPH Project)
Department of Paediatrics and Child Health
AD/06/93/10 (CHS)
(1 Post)
Applicants should be holders of a Diploma in Clinical Medicine from KMTC. They should have at least one (1) year work experience including one year as Clinical Officer in Paediatrics. Previous experience with Antiretroviral Therapy and
completion of the NASCOP Paediatric ART training is required. GCP training and computer literacy are an added advantage.
The successful candidate will be involved in all aspects of Clinical care of HIV infected children including antiretroviral therapy in a research setting and report to the study physician
Please note that this is a one (1) year contract renewable on mutual agreement
Administrator/Office Assistant – IEARD Grant
AD/06/94/10 (CHS)
(1 Post)
Applicants must be holders of Bachelors Degree with Masters either in Project Management or Administration or Epidemiology of Public Health. They should have two (2) years experience in Research Management or Programme Implementation.
They should be proficient in the use of computers and accessing internet resources.
Applicants with excellent interpersonal, communication, organizational, multitasking and analytical skills will have an added advantage. The successful candidate will be required to work independently for long hours.
Please note that this is a one (1) year contract renewable on mutual agreement.
Administrative Assistant
UNITID (Ganjoni Project Mombasa)
AD/06/95/10 (CHS)
(2 Posts)
Applicants must be holders of Bachelors Degree in Business Administration or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution. They must be proficient in word processing, spreadsheets, internet and email and email client software. Those with certificate in Information Technology will have an added advantage.
Successful applicants must have excellent interpersonal, organizational, multitasking, analytical and communication skills and will be required to work independently for long hours.
Please note that this is a one (1) year contract renewable on mutual agreement.
Clinical Research Assistant (UNITID/Ganjoni Project Mombasa)
AD/06/96/10 (CHS)
(1 Post)
Applicants must have a Kenya Enrolled Community Health or Family Planning Nursing qualification from a recognized institution or equivalent technical training as a medical assistant. They must have a minimum of two (2) years of work experience including counselling and collection of clinical specimens (e.g. blood and urine).
They must have previous work experience in research institutions and have antiretroviral therapy certification.
Successful applicants must have excellent interpersonal and communication skills and will be required to work in research project.
Please note that this is a one (1) year contract renewable on mutual agreement.
Assistant Secretary
Grade A
Veterinary Farm
AD/06/97/10 (CAVS)
(1 Post)
Applicants should be holders of KCSE Mean Grade C or KCE Div. III or an equivalent qualification wit a Credit in English Language. In addition, they must have sat and passed the following subjects examined by the Kenya National Examinations Council or an equivalent examining body:
  • Business English II
  • Commerce II
  • Secretarial Duties II
  • Office Management III
  • Shorthand II (minimum 80 wpm) or Audio-typing III
  • Typewriting 50 wpm
They should be in possession of certificates in and be able to use Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Data Base Management packages and Knowledge in Anti-Virus tools.
Peer Leader/Cleaner
Department of Medical Microbiology (EDCTP Project)
AD/06/98/10 (CHS)
(1 Post)
Applicants must have a KSCE certificate with a minimum of Grade C- or KCE Division III or its equivalent. In addition, they must have at least two (2) years experience in a similar position.
The successful applicant will be required to visit study participants at their homes to ensure compliance to study visits and procedures. He/she will be expected to clean the study clinic prior to making the home visits to study participants, perform any other relevant duties at the study clinic as assigned by the Study Co-ordinator, and work long hours when necessary.
Please note that this is a one (1) year contract renewable on mutual agreement.
1. Applicants for academic posts (AC) should forward ten (10) copies of their application letters accompanied by a similar number of certified copies of certificates and C.V.s giving details of their qualifications, experience, research activities and publications and the journals the publications appear in.
Applicants for non-academic posts (AD) should submit seven (7) copies of the supporting documents and application letter.
2. In both cases, applications and related documents should be forwarded through the applicants’ heads of departments and applicants should state their current designations and salaries and other benefits attached to those
designations. They should quote post reference codes as shown for each posts in the advertisement.
Applications should be addressed as per the codes below:-
  • R&T The Deputy Registrar, (R&T), Box 30197-00100 Nairobi
  • CHS The Principal, CHS, Box 30197-00100 Nairobi
  • CAE The Principal, CAE, Box 30197-00100 Nairobi
  • CAVS The Principal, CAVS, Box 30197-00100 Nairobi
  • CHSS The Principal, CHSS, Box 30197-00100 Nairobi
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted
Closing Date: June 25, 2010
University of Nairobi is an equal opportunity employer

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