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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kisii University College (A Constituent College of Egerton University) Office of the Principal Jobs

  1. Deputy Principal (Academic Affairs)
  2. Deputy Principal (Finance and Administration)
  3. Director of Research
Kisii University College, a Constituent College of Egerton University, invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced individuals with excellent credentials to fill the following positions:
Deputy Principal (Academic Affairs)
Ref: KUC/AD/1/2010
1 Post
Qualifications and Experience
The Deputy Principal shall deputize the Principal and shall be responsible for academic and student affairs. Suitable applicants should have the following qualifications and work experience:
  • Be a Professor or Associate Professor with an earned PhD or its equivalent from a recognized University.
  • At least 6 years of experience in senior academic and management positions (at the level of Senior Lecturer and above).
  • Leadership experience in modern university environment
  • Ability and leadership skills to effectively coordinate the academic and administrative functions in the University College.
  • Provide academic and research leadership.
  • Knowledge in strategic planning in education development and management.
  • Proven track record in promoting learning, teaching, research and development in a University
  • Knowledge of national laws and policies in education
  • Have highest ethical standards, integrity and professionalism
Job Summary
  • Deputizing the Principal in Academic and Student Affair functions of the University College
Deputy Principal (Finance and Administration)
Ref: KUC/AD/2/2010
1 Post
Qualifications and Experience
The Deputy Principal shall deputize the Principal who is the Chief Executive of the University College and should have the following qualifications and work experience.
  • Be a Professor or Associate Professor with an earned PhD or it’s equivalent from a recognized University.
  • At least 6 years of experience in a senior academic or management positions (at the level of Senior Lecturer and above).
  • Demonstrated leadership experience in a modern university environment
  • Ability and leadership skills to effectively co-ordinate the administrative functions in the University College.
  • Proven track record in promoting learning, teaching, research and development in a University
  • Knowledge and experience in strategic planning in educational development
  • Knowledge of national laws, policies and strategies governing University education and planning in Kenya.
  • Be of the highest ethical standards, integrity and professionalism.
  • Have a demonstrated evidence of good interpersonal relations, communication and negotiation skills
  • Proven knowledge and experience in financial management
Job Summary
  • Deputizing the Principal in Administrative, Planning and Financial functions of the University College
Terms and Conditions of Service
The contract of the Deputy Principal’s position will be on a 5 year term and the successful candidate shall be eligible for re-appointment upon expiry of the contract.
Terms and Conditions of Service are performance based and include the following:
  • An attractive Salary
  • An attractive House Allowance
In addition, the Deputy Principal will be entitled to the following benefits:
  • Medical cover as per the University College Medical Scheme
  • Leave allowance
  • A chauffer-driven official car
  • A gratuity of 31% of basic salary at expiry of the contract
Director of Research
Ref: KUC/AD/3/2010
1 Post
The suitable applicant should have the following qualification:
  • Be a Professor or Associate Professor with an earned Ph.D or its equivalent from a recognized University.
  • Evidence of publications in refereed journals & published works.
  • Strong Analytical skills.
  • Advanced Computer Skills, particularly Microsoft Office Suite of Applications, SPSS and other relevant statistical tools.
  • Demonstrate experience in writing Research Proposals, developing funding proposals and good document/editing skills.
Key Duties and Responsibilities
  • Development and promotion of Research Strategy for the University College
  • Implementation of the research strategy and ensuring understanding of research priorities
  • Maintenance of existing and development of new funding sources to implement the strategy.
  • Responsible for developing the research programme budget.
  • Coordination of staff and associates working on research projects.
  • Delivery of high quality research outputs
  • Train academic and research staff on document and proposal writing.
  • Develop funding proposals/write articles, briefing papers, reports and speeches for external and internal publication.
  • Carrying out other specific activities as required by the Principal.
Mode of Application
Applicants must submit ten (10) copies of applications giving details of age, educational, and professional qualification, detailed work experience, present post and salary, applicant’s telephone number and email address and enclosing copies of certificates and testimonials and giving names and addresses of three (3) referees who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s competence and area of specialization accompanied with curriculum vitae and duly certified copies of certificates and testimonials.
Applicants should request their referees to write directly to the undersigned.
The name and reference number of the position for which the application is made should be clearly marked on the envelope.
Applications and information from referees should reach the undersigned not later than 19th July 2010.
The Principal
Kisii University College
P.O Box 408-40200, Kisii

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