United Nations – Nations Unies
United Nations Support Office for AMISOM (UNSOA)
Request for Expression of Interest Provision of Transport (Car Hire & Shuttle) Services – UNSOA Gigiri
UNSOA’s Procurement Section, whose offices are located at the UN Complex in Gigiri, is interested in identifying suitable Transport service providers, able to provide all the specified types of transport services promptly when required, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
In this connection, UNSOA seeks Expression of Interest (EOI) from suitably qualified and experienced firms that have the capacity to meet UNSOA’s requirement. Interested firms must submit the following:
- Documentary evidence of proven track record of at least five years experience in the operation of the transport business;
- A copy of the Income Statement and Balance Sheet for the last three years,
- A copy of the Registration Certificate and a valid Trading Licence in Kenya.
Kindly confirm your interest in writing by return mail, email or fax, no later than 23 June 2010, by:
- Completing the UN Supplier’s registration form available athttp://www.unon.org/ssse/coms.php for those who are not yet registered as vendors with UNSOA;
- Submit all the above to the following address:
The Chief Procurement Officer – Provision of Transport – UNSOA Gigiri
Prefab Number 6 UNSOA
P.O. Box 67578 – 00200
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tele: + 254 20 762 6195 OR 762 6170
Fax: +25420762 1198
Email Address: unsoa-procurement@unsoa.org
Prefab Number 6 UNSOA
P.O. Box 67578 – 00200
Nairobi, Kenya.
Tele: + 254 20 762 6195 OR 762 6170
Fax: +25420762 1198
Email Address: unsoa-procurement@unsoa.org
Please indicate your UN Vendor Registration Number (if applicable) and refer to this EOI in your submission.
For those not yet registered with UNSOA, please access, complete and submit the registration form available at http://www.unon.org/ssse/coms.php.
Please note that this notice does not constitute a solicitation and UNSOA reserves the right to change or cancel this requirement at any time in the Expression of Interest/bidding process.
Companies shortlisted as a result of this EOI will receive requests to bid for these services to UNSOA.
Queries on this EOI may be addressed to catherine.mboya@unsoa.org