Reference: KWS/HQS/ICT/129/2OO9-2O10
Tender name: Supply and Installation of Computer Servers, Desktop Computers, Laptops, Printers, LCD Projectors, Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs) and Binoculars
Kenya Wildlife Service intends to procure computer servers, desktop computers, laptops, printers, LCD projectors, PDAs and Binoculars. Tenders are now invited for the above equipments.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the tender documents at the Procurement Office, KWS Headquarters, Lang’ata Road, PO BOX 402421 – 00100 Nairobi. Tel. 6000800 Fax: 6003792 during normal working hours.
A complete set of tender documents may be obtained upon payment of a non – refundable fee of Ksh. 3,000.00 (three thousand shillings only) at the Cash office, payable in cash or bankers cheque to the Director- KWS. Bidders can also download the tender document from the KWS website ( and attach a payment receipt at the time of submission of the tender.
Tenders MUST be accompanied with a bid security in form of a bank or insurance company guarantee, for an amount of KShs. 50,000.00 or equivalent, issued in a freely convertible currency.
Bids must remain valid for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of tender opening.
Bidders must prove that they qualify to participate in public procurement by providing the following documents or evidence:
- Certificate of business registration/ Incorporation.
- Tax compliance certificate.
- Audited accounts for the last three (3) years.
The Director,
Kenya Wildlife Service,
P.O Box 40241, Nairobi.
so as to be received not later than 12.00 noon on 2nd July 2010.
A Pre-bid meeting will be held on 21st June 2010 at 10.00am in KWS Headquarters.
Submitted bids will be opened thereafter in the presence of candidates or representatives who choose to attend.
Head of Supply Chain Management