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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Makindu Children Centre Kenya Jobs

Database Coordinator: Based in Eugene, Oregon
Responsibilities include managing all data relating to donations, sponsorships and on-line contributions.
Serve as technical support, run reports, process deposits, manage donor appreciation schedule and other duties as assigned. Aprox 8-10 hours a week. Please e-mail your resume, cover letter, hourly wage requirements and three references to All qualified applicants will receive a job description and follow up questions in return.
The following positions are based in Makindu, Kenya:
The Makindu Children’s Centre MCC] is an NGO operating in Makindu District with its offices based in Makindu Town and affiliated to Makindu Children’s Program [US]. The Organization invites applications from qualified candidates for the following positions:
If interested in applying, please fill out the attached Application in Word or print out and complete the pdf file. Applications must be submitted via email to the address listed on thelast page of the application.
The deadline for receiving complete applications is June 9th, 2010. To receive your application and to also submit your application, please send to
Post: Program Officer – OVC Support Services
Reporting to the program Director, the Program Officer-OVC support services will be responsible for the overall coordination of effective service delivery to the program beneficiaries. The duties include development and implementation of work plans and budgets within the grants requirements, strengthening of the community’s capacity to advocate for the rights of the child, monitoring and evaluation and reporting.
Duties and responsibilities

  1. Planning and coordination of program implementation through the community structures to ensure effective quality services delivery to the intended program beneficiaries in line with the approved work plans.
  2. In collaboration with the program implementation structures, facilitate the identification, selection, enrolment and induction of beneficiaries in an open and transparent manner and in line with the Organization’s enrolment policies.
  3. Participate in the identification, implementation and technical support to assure quality delivery of capacity building activities to program implementers and other stakeholders.
  4. Coordinate the review /design and implementation of M & E activities and reporting progress in a timely manner.
  5. In collaboration with the community structures, identify children with special needs and through service referrals advocate for their support.
  6. Supervise all community volunteers ensuring coordination for effective service delivery and ownership of program.
  7. Participate in the development of new resource mobilization activities.
  1. University degree in social sciences
  2. Two years experience coordinating the implementation of community programs
  3. People with prior work experience in OVC programs will have a definite advantage
  4. Certification in Counselling /HCBC/nutrition /HIV/AIDS essential
  5. Excellent computer skills in MS Office
  6. Ability to communicate in the local dialect essential
The position is approximately 60% field and 40% office. The mode of field transport is motorbike.
Post 2: Program Officer – Enterprise Development Initiatives [EDI]
The position reports to the Program Director and is responsible for the coordination of all small Enterprise and livelihood initiatives at the community and Organization level.
Specific tasks include:
  1. In Collaboration with the program partners, conduct needs assessment for income generating activities opportunities for the beneficiaries and the Organization and recommends appropriate design for the implementation of the projects.
  2. In conjunction with the Finance Department, oversee the operations of all IGA projects at the Centre ensuring appropriate systems and regulatory compliance.
  3. In consultation with the partners develop appropriate record keeping systems to support program implementation and effective progress tracking and reporting.
  4. Develop/source appropriate Business curriculum for training program beneficiary on small business management
  5. In collaboration with partners, provide technical support in new product/services development and promote market linkages to enhance opportunities for income generation for the beneficiaries and the Organization.
  6. Organize programs to promote skills transfer of IGA best practices to the community through trainings, field days and mentorship programs.
  7. Participate in the development of new resource mobilization activities.
  1. University degree in Business related discipline
  2. 2 years hands-on experience in implementing business development activities.
  3. Experience in working with vulnerable population
  4. Excellent computer skills in MS Office
  5. Ability to communicate in the local dialect essential
  6. Certification in Counselling /HCBC/nutrition /HIV/AIDS is an advantage
The position is approximately 60% field and 40% office. The mode of field transport is motorbike.
Post 3: Assistant Program Officer – Programs
The position reports to the Program officer – OVC care and support, providing administrative and technical support in the department.
Duties and responsibilities:
  1. Coordinate acquisition and distribution of program supplies and services as per the implementation guidelines
  2. Ensure that all the program files are appropriately filed and are up dated with the most current information as per the implementation guidelines.
  3. Responsible for updating and collating program progress data in the Organization’s database.
  4. Contribute to dissemination of program success from MCC’s work through a range of communication tools
  5. Represent the program department in community meetings as and when required.
  6. Contribute to the writing of program reports.
  7. Participate in children’s guidance and counselling and life skills training.
Person specification
  • Degree in social science. Diploma holders with appropriate skills will be considered
  • Experience in OVC programming will be advantage
  • Excellent computing skills
  • Knowledge of database management /M & E a definite advantage
  • Ability to speak the local dialect essential
  • Certification in Counselling /HCBC/nutrition /HIV/AIDS is an advantage
The position is approximately 40% field and 60% office. The mode of field transport is motorbike.

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