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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Head of Hunger Reduction – Save the Children UK Vacancy in Ethiopia

Job Title: Head of Hunger Reduction
Place of Work: 
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Level: International grade 2
Reports to: Policy and Programmes Director
Line management responsibility: Head of Nutrition, Head of LNIS, 2 Livelihoods Technical Managers, 1 Social Protection Research and Advocacy Project Manager
Budget Responsibility: Limited
Child Protection Level: 3
Save the Children UK (SC UK) has been operational in Ethiopia since 1973 and the organisation has developed into one of the largest international NGOs in the country.  Currently SC UK operates a programme that involves humanitarian relief, development and the relationship between them.
Programmes encompass three thematic areas: Hunger Reduction, Health and HIV/AIDS and Education, as well as the EVERY ONE Campaign to advance the reduction of maternal, newborn and child mortality in Ethiopia.  SC UK works to ensure quality programming on the ground forms the basis upon which to advocate for changes in policy and practice by key duty-bearers at regional, national and global levels.
The SC UK Ethiopia Country Programme is organised into four departments:  Policy, and Programmes Development (P&PD), Programme Operations, Finance, and Human Resources/Administration.  The Head of Hunger Reduction is housed within the Policy and Programmes department.  The purpose of this department is to guide change for children in all programmatic areas, and through successful advocacy and communication of evidence-based learning, to contribute to the achievement of the organisation’s global and national objectives, with a particular emphasis on the EVERY ONE Campaign in Ethiopia.
Job Purpose
The Head of Hunger Reduction is responsible for leading the entire Hunger Reduction Strategic Programme of SC UK in Ethiopia, which comprises close to 75% of the overall work of the Country Programme, and historically has been and continues to be one of the largest Hunger Reduction portfolios of SC UK globally.  The major components of the existing programme include Nutrition, Livelihoods and Livelihood & Nutrition Information Systems (LNIS), as well as social protection, and covers both emergency and development contexts.
In addition, the Hunger Reduction team plays a central role in the EVERY ONE Campaign in Ethiopia, particularly on components related to nutrition and longer-term food security.  The Head of Hunger Reduction is expected to play a lead role in designing, producing and utilising high quality project evidence, research and advocacy to influence government policy and practice.  This post is a senior manager, responsible for managing three units:  Nutrition, Livelihoods and LNIS, as well as the social protection agenda.
The post holder will be responsible for ensuring that key organisational principles and approaches (such as child participation) are well integrated throughout the project cycle and in advocacy. The post holder will also be responsible for ensuring that lessons derived through implementation of projects are well articulated, documented and disseminated both internally and externally and fed into strategic development of the overall portfolio.
Key accountabilities
Strategic Programme Development
  • Provide overall leadership for the strategic development and implementation of SC UK’s Hunger Reduction programme.  This includes leading the development of strategic plans and the portfolio of projects, research and initiatives required for achievement of strategic objectives and outcomes.  This requires ambitious and innovative thinking and the ability to negotiate multiple internal and external positions and viewpoints to ensure a common vision and concrete actions are achieved.
  • Lead the annual operational planning, and regular internal programme planning and review meetings for the Hunger Reduction theme, as well as related inputs to quarterly and annual SC UK reports.
  • Document and communicate programme achievements against agreed strategy objectives and milestones for a wide range of internal and external audiences. Ensure the key strategic documents related to the Hunger Reduction theme are understood and internalised by those who are either contributing to the evidence base or responsible for representation of organisational objectives at district, regional or national level.
  • Within the Policy and Programmes department, actively communicate and coordinate with the Director, other section heads and relevant technical managers and project managers to ensure an integrated approach across themes.
  • Serve as the thematic focal point for regular liaison and communication with relevant staff at the SC UK Regional Office and head office in London.  Ensure proposed work in country is understood, in line with, and contributes to the fulfilment of global objectives and advocacy efforts.  Identify technical support requirements, inclusive of field visits, as and when necessary.
  • Serve as the senior thematic lead for all relevant external representation requirements.
Policy Analysis, Policy Engagement and Advocacy for Policy Change
  • Monitor and move forward the implementation of the Hunger Reduction Advocacy Plan, the purpose of which is to positively influence duty-bearers to change the lives of children.  Direct advocacy efforts (objectives, messages, targets, approaches), and manage the achievement of each specific objective. Determine and oversee key advocacy opportunities, methods and events to support advocacy objectives, taking advantage of key opportunities in Ethiopia.
  • Develop policy briefs and position papers related to the Hunger Reduction programme, ensuring the inclusion of technical input from the relevant technical and project managers. Lead in networking and articulating SC UK’s position, policy and strategy in national forums and meetings.  Engage in key debates related to issues covered in advocacy plans, in coordination with technical managers and other relevant staff.
  • Ensure that the voices of children guide advocacy and policy change objectives and related activities.
EVERY ONE Newborn and Child Survival Campaign
  • Lead the development and implementation of the Hunger Reduction component of the Everyone Ethiopia Newborn and Child Survival Campaign Plan.
  • Ensure SC UK representation in the Everyone Campaign policy working group and nutrition/food security sub working group.
  • Network with Everyone partners to expand their involvement in the nutrition/food security component of the Campaign.
  • Lead in developing policy reports or briefs related to Hunger Reduction as advocacy tools to engage into nutrition/food security policies changes as identified under Everyone Campaign plan.
  • Participate to monthly conference calls with the Ethiopia project support group in London.
Programme Effectiveness
  • Ensure projects and research are technically managed to a high standard.  This involves supervision of three units comprised of senior programme and technical staff who provide support to projects throughout the project cycle.
  • Ensure that regular field based project review meetings take place and are attended by the relevant technical manager.  At these meetings the technical support and capacity building needs of project staff should be identified and agreed between the Technical Manager and Project Manager.
  • Ensure that Technical Managers guide project staff in the use of key generic and Save the Children tools and guidelines to ensure the quality of work. These include among others, child participation, child right programming and mainstreaming of gender, diversity and HIV/AIDS.  Particular emphasis should be on ensuring that children are actively involved and participate in all stages of project cycle management.
  • Oversee the recruitment and subsequent management of external consultants (local or international) who are contracted to technically support projects, in collaboration with relevant project managers, and in accordance with the consultancy guidelines.  At times directly manage such consultants.
  • Ensure the development of an M&E framework for the overall Hunger Reduction programme that monitors the impact of projects and progress towards strategic operational and advocacy objectives.
  • Lead the development of evidence-based learning to support advocacy objectives and overall implementation of the Hunger Reduction programme.
  • Ensure that lessons learned are properly documented, effectively disseminated and, where appropriate, incorporated into wider advocacy initiatives (cross-theme as well as globally).
Strategic Fundraising
  • Oversee strategic fundraising to support implementation of the Hunger Reduction Strategic Plan and related Advocacy Plan.  This includes funding for projects, research and advocacy to support policy change objectives.
  • Analyze donor priorities and positions on issues related to Hunger Reduction. In collaboration with SC UK headquarters and other relevant Ethiopia based staff, identify institutional and other funding opportunities.  Develop and maintain contacts with relevant staff of current and potential donors, partners and key technical agencies, in coordination with the Policy and Programmes Director.
  • Build on technical knowledge, research and current/previous programming to lead development of proposals for new programme initiatives or projects in close coordination with the relevant technical and project staff.  This includes all aspects of proposal development, such as concept notes, grant amendments, etc.
  • Ensure quality of donor reports through periodic review of such reports and make recommendations on how these reports could be improved.
  • Support donor meetings and visits.  This can include, but is not limited to, briefings, relevant programme materials, field travel, etc.
Staff and Budget Management
  • Manage the three units of the Hunger Reduction team.  This currently involves direct line management of the Head of Nutrition, Head of Livelihood and Nutrition Information Systems, 2 livelihoods technical managers, and one manager of a research and advocacy project on social protection.
  • Develop and manage budgets for staff of the Hunger Reduction team, advocacy, consultancies and research, as required.
  • Conduct regular performance management.  This includes work plans and performance reviews and support of staff learning and development.
  • Act as recruiting manager for all staff under line management.
  • Serve as Acting Director of the Policy and Programmes Department when required.
  • The post holder may be responsible for additional tasks and duties as and when required to support the overall Country Programme, regional and head office priorities.
Working contacts
External: High level regular involvement with senior government officials in relevant departments at national and regional levels.  Attendance at regular and ad hoc senior technical and policy level meetings.  Senior level involvement with representatives of donors, international agencies and local civil society.  Frequent interaction will be required with the SC Alliance on relevant issues.  Serve as focal point for regular liaison and communication with the London based Hunger team and other relevant head office staff, relevant Regional Office staff and counterparts in other Save the Children Country Programmes globally.
Internal: The Head of Hunger Reduction reports to the Policy and Programmes Director and line manages two unit heads (Nutrition and Livelihood, Nutrition Information Systems), two technical managers (livelihoods), and one research and advocacy project manager (social protection).  Work is closely coordinated with the other thematic teams of to enhance cross-fertilisation and ensure integrated programming.  Collaboration with all departments, and support of overall aims of the country programme, is also essential.
Budget: Limited to funds earmarked for staff, advocacy, research and consultancy work.

Person specification
  • Post graduate level education or extensive experience in one or more of the following areas:  livelihoods, nutrition, food security/early warning, and/or social protection.
  • Minimum of 5 years relevant work experience, at least 3 of which should be in field positions.
  • Experience managing a portfolio of multiple projects, including research.
  • Strong policy analysis and policy engagement experience
  • Strong analytical and writing skills with demonstrated ability to write briefing papers and targeted advocacy messages
  • Experience in designing and writing proposals for funding and in developing donor relationships
  • Proven representation, influencing and advocacy skills and experience
  • Proven ability to manage a team, with good communication and interpersonal skills and an ability to motivate staff
  • Strong presentation and facilitation skills
  • Proven ability to manage a complex and demanding workload
  • Excellent spoken and written English
  • Practical understanding of the challenges and opportunities in realising children’s rights
  • Good computer skills (particularly Excel, Word and database)
  • Experience with programming in pastoral areas
  • Institutional development experience
  • Experience in humanitarian assistance and disaster risk reduction
  • Experience working with government partners
  • Experience working with partner agencies, including local partners, and in consoritia
  • Experience working in Ethiopia in development or humanitarian assistance
  • An understanding of child rights programming
Child Protection
The responsibilities of the post may require the post holder to have regular contact with children or young people.  In the overseas context all posts are considered to be level 3 posts in view of potential situations which may allow unsupervised access to vulnerable children and young people.
Save the Children’s recruitment and selection procedures reflect our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.
Save the Children aims to be an equal opportunities employer.
Please apply online by visiting
Application Closing Date:  3 weeks after advertisement

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