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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Field Officer

• To manage the estates
• Supervise the service providers under the estates section.
• Prepare work schedules for this section
• Ensure cleanliness of the University estates is maintained
• Normally will be in charge of all the University Estates activities
• Any other duties assigned by the superior

Qualifications and Experience:
Holder of Degree in forestry, Agriculture, horticulture or related fields from a recorgnized training Institution with at least twelve years working experience.

Application letters with detailed curriculum vitae (CV) and copies of relevant certificates should reach the undersigned not later than 17th October, 2010. Candidates must also give names, contact addresses as well as telephone numbers of two referees.
Please Note: the position above require excellent communications, in both, spoken and written English and Swahili.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Finance),
Mzumbe University,
P.O. Box 1, MZUMBE.

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