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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Web 2.0 Learning Opportunity, 5-9 July, 2010, Nairobi, Kenya


Venue: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF‎); United Nations Avenue; Nairobi, Kenya
Date and time: Monday 5 July – Friday 9 July, 2010 at 9:00 – 17:30
Technological innovation is taking place at a breath-taking pace. Simple, open source internet-based applications and services designed to enhance on-line collaboration are now available to the wider public at little or no cost at all. These new online services known as Web 2.0 applications enable people to collaborate remotely in creating, sharing and publishing information.
The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation EU-ACP (CTA) has a mandate to facilitate access to and dissemination of information in the fields of agriculture and rural development in 78 countries in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP). Supporting the adoption of Web 2.0 applications represents a great opportunity for meeting it.

CTA, in collaboration with the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), has organised a 5-day Web 2.0 Learning Opportunity starting on Monday 5 July 2010. Participants will be introduced to selected web 2.0 applications and learn on how to use them; hands-on. 
The Learning Opportunity will cover advanced online searching, getting information served via alerts and RSS, collaborating remotely using wikis and Google Docs, using VoIP, online mapping and social networking. Participants will get a chance to see what others have done, get hands-on experience on how to use innovative applications, and assess how they could adopt these innovations within the context of their work and organisation.
These Learning Opportunities form part of CTA initiatives that support development partners in networking, accessing and disseminating information more effectively.
Programme of the Learning Opportunity
  • Introduction to the participatory World Wide Web (Web 2.0)
  • Search Magic: How to conduct advanced multilingual online searches;
  • Information Self Service: How to get selected information served to you via alerts and RSS feeds;
  • Remote collaboration: How to develop content remotely using wikis and Google Docs;
  • Online mapping: How to locate your organisation and your projects on a online Map;
·         How to communicate voice over the internet at no cost
·         Online publishing (Blog)
·         Social networking (LinkedIn and Facebook)
·         Web 2.0 self-instruction (introduction to IMARK)

Eligibility and responsibilities
Participation in the Learning Opportunity is free of charge. Applications are subject of acceptance by the organisers.

Eligibility criteria:

·         be computer literate and conversant with browsing the Internet;
·         have regular access to or better own a computer;
·         have active e-mail accounts;
·         be actively engaged in agriculture and rural development, natural resource management and biodiversity conservation, and / or ICT for development (ICT4D);
·         be self-sufficient in terms of transport, accommodation and subsistence during the event;
·         be in the position to carry your own WIFI-enabled laptop to the venue.


Accepted participants will be responsible for all costs related to their subsistence, travel and accommodation and for bringing their own WIFI-enabled laptop.

Additional information

During the event the organisers will offer lunch and refreshments and distribute copies of CTA publications dealing with Web 2.0.

To download the Application Form, please follow this link.

Best regards

Giacomo Rambaldi
Senior Programme Coordinator
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation ACP-EU
P.O. Box 380, NL 6700AJ Wageningen, The Netherlands (ordinary mail deliveries)

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